Not breaking down, breaking out

I’ve realized the transformation that I required of myself at what I considered the beginning of the end of my life has taken full effect. I remember deciding that a change was necessary and setting a date, but I don’t recall actively switching things up. It entered my mind that perhaps after so many such occasions where I decided who/what I was (sometimes out of preference, sometimes necessity), it has become almost automated. At first, this idea gave me a slight swelling of pride. I always did enjoy the fact that I chose who I was since I was little and in my typical cynical elitist nature of thought, was mostly disgusted with those too weak to do likewise. I learned, as I aged, to appreaciate people for their weaknesses too (to a certain extent, of course). However, my pride was quickly replaced with that new feeling that started popping up ever since I had an unpleasant dealing with literally not feeling any emotions for a period of time (which was years ago). Maybe it was caused by overworking chemical productions. I don’t know much about that, but I know what I felt, or rather, didn’t feel. A similar concern was felt here, because if major changes were made subconsciously, then I didn’t actually have control.

I decided after a bit of thought that this was not the case, and that the change merely required little action, but moreso a certain extra amount of giving up. The decision I made was this: that it was no longer in my best interest to feel a value for my time or experience. This would effectively, for lack of a better description, “break my will.” This, in turn would make it easier to do the things I needed to do to get the fuck out of living where I am. I’m not sure why that’s such a high priority, I doubt my constant hate will ebb elsewhere, but it sounds good for now.

I notice that I don’t even think about work assigned to me, or take the time to think to complain. It’s just something to do. This gives a false appearance of “good work ethic,” which couldn’t be further from the truth.

I think I must be, by worldly standards, a very selfish person. This doesn’t bother me, I feel justified in my actions, and certainly don’t have a need to feel good or moral in any way. Honorable is the closest I get. Honestly, I think things would work much smoother if everyone was this way. It sounds bad, but it’s more complex than I care to go into here and now.

At the suggestion of one of my friends, I began meditating to try and give myself brief breaks from the hateful restlessness that hangs around like a ball and chain all the time. It mostly involves focusing your mind and observing its thought. I had to sift through some new age bullshit to get to anything useful, but it has helped, somewhat. Being able to relax and sleep has been a welcome relief from many nights of frustrating sleeplessness. I see and understand, though, that it is only masking the symptom and certainly not addressing the main problem (and I’m still not entirely sure of what exactly that problem is). I’ve been led to believe, as I may have mentioned before, that there is something inherently wrong with me. There’s no reason why that couldn’t be possible.

I wouldn’t say I’m doing better, but I’m still getting along, even though the intensity has continued to increase. I would describe the rate of increase as steady (not exponential, thankfully), but I’m not really sure something such as that can be quantitized in order to make such an observation.

Often I feel as I’d imagine a pilot would feel if he had zero visibilty and malfunctioning equipment.

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Nothing wrong with cynical elitism! Love the way you write, by the way…

I’m envious of your ability to mediatate. I’ve tried in the past, and either I’m unable to focus, or can’t find a quiet enough place to do so. It’s very frustrating, as I’m sure the medical benefits are outstanding. So nice to see you updating by the way.

June 6, 2005

I haven’t left forever. I just haven’t had an inspirational moment in quite a long time. Hopefully I will have one soon. People keep getting dumber(?), that always helps. I don’t know, I guess we’ll see.

June 6, 2005

I’ve not read your entries yet, but your notes have me intrigued. And initiating contact around these parts can be equal parts weird and daunting on a fairly regular basis. In any case, I’m going to go read your entries and, I’m thinking, you’ll get added to the short-ish list (around 20 to 25, and many of those haven’t updated in months and/or are duplicates) of my favorites shortly thereafter.:)

June 6, 2005

Well, I visit my diary on a rather regular basis. I just rarely have anything to write about. That, or I don’t have the time. I still respond to the people that leave me comments. I would love to be able to read the rest of your entries. I came to the page and wondered why there were only three. But alas, I am alive, and eventually I will update again. I promise.

August 9, 2005

why are you sorry?