My Life is so…
…@$%%’ed up right now.
I hate my job!
I want out of my marriage…relationship…whatever you want to call it, but don’t know how to get out.
I am in a financial hole.
I don’t want to live anymore…but I don’t want to die.
I think I just want to curl up in a ball and cry.
As bad as I feel and that things are I know that things could be worse and there are people out there that do have it so much worse.
I don’t know what to do but I need to start sorting somethings out in my life.
About the job; follow your heart. If God is leading you out of the job you are in, He will show you the way. In your spare time do job searches through Indeed or other job searches and the job that is calling out to you will be found. I know it seems isolating when you can’t really share your religious beliefs with your spouse (I have the same issues with my husband; we don’t agree on anything religiously or politically, so it’s tough). I recently downloaded a Tanakh on Kindle to read. I’ve been following Rabbi Tovia Singer on Youtube and have been learning a lot from him. Even though it feel like it sometimes, you are not alone. *hugs*
hugs right back at you, @elizabethbarstone-novelist
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Nothing to apologise for. But thank you. 🫶

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