Charging Towards That “L”

And in this case, “L” stands for “loss”.

With the Cincinnati Bengals’ 2024 season having come to a screeching halt last weekend, I have stopped watching the NFL for the remainder of this season.  There’s nothing for me to watch anymore.  Having said that, that doesn’t mean that I’m not following the NFL playoffs, loosely anyway.  I’m not watching any of the games and I refuse to do so.  At the very least, I’m tracking scores online and seeing whose been eliminated.  I don’t care who wins or even who ends up going to the Super Bowl because I won’t be watching the game anyway.  None of that matters to me.  What I took tremendous joy in seeing was how the Houston Texans proceeded to dismantle the Los Angeles Chargers yesterday, to the tune of 32-12.  I will always take pleasure in watching the Chargers lose.  This has especially been the case ever since the team decided to leave San Diego some years ago.  So, from here on out, I will cheer against the Chargers and absolutely love it every time they lose, whether these losses come during the regular season, or as was the case yesterday, during the post-season.  When the team brought on Jim Harbaugh as head coach last off-season, this gave me even more reason to cheer against them and wish them the worst.  I don’t care much for Jim Harbaugh, which stems back to his time as the head coach at Stanford University, which houses yet another football program for which I will not cheer.  Football.  What a game.

I decided not to go into the office today.  I just didn’t feel like it.  I think Vanessa went in, but I just wasn’t motivated.  For about an hour and half yesterday, she kept me company.  I put in just under eight hours of work on Saturday, during which I want to say that I was again mostly productive.  With the office mostly empty, for me, it makes working so much easier and less distracting.  I always feel like I get a lot done on my Saturdays working.

Though the holidays have since ended, now going on nearly three weeks, it boggles my mind as to why the nearby shopping center’s public announcement system was still pumping out Christmas music as recently as last week.  Can we effectively turn that shit off?  I don’t care to hear it during the holiday season, so you can imagine how much I loathe hearing that stuff well after Christmas has come and gone.  Speaking of dumb and annoying, one of the broads who sits in front of me at work still hasn’t bothered to take down her little Christmas tree.  I would prefer not to see that co-worker or her damn tree.  A few of the houses in the neighborhood still have their damn Christmas lights out too.  At 4:30am (when I leave for work six days out of the week), or any time after the holidays have ended really, I don’t care to see that sort of thing.

Los Angeles is still on fire.  Containment of those fires remains minimal.  Apparently, there have been many issues related to those fires and the inability to get those fires extinguished.  I don’t follow politics, nor am I really following that fire story too closely, so my knowledge of the situation is similarly minimal.  Kim seems to have an opinion as to what’s going on, but as for me, I just know that many structures have burned, a few people have lost their lives, and as of this writing, the fires are still burning.  Fire is definitely not to be fucked with.  That much I do know.

Well, it’s almost my bedtime.  Tomorrow will soon be here and another week of nonsense and stupidity will ensue.  I don’t have much to look forward to, except for maybe that paycheck.  I suppose that’s why I do what I do.

Ain’t life grand?  Mine isn’t, but I know that things can always be worse.

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