The mark of the beast master

One day last week as I was driving around town, running errands, I noticed a bumper sticker on the car in front of me as I sat at a light. It said “Bay Bridge Run” and I recognized the design as the logo of the 10K that I did this past fall. I was unable to tell if this was a sticker from the most recent event, although it was not faded or cracked. But either way, apparently the car’s owner was someone who had also challenged the steel serpent of the Chesapeake Bay. This still begs the question as to why so many people chose to undertake that run or walk across that steel and concrete beast. Clearly, some were in it for the fitness aspect, for the race itself and to see how quickly they could make the course.

But I am most curious as to any other reasons behind participants’ decision to walk or run across the bridge. When I was there, there were far more walkers than runners or joggers, although the earliest two slots of the event were dedicated to runners only. According to the organizers, participants came from 48 different states and several countries. I personally think that many of these travelers must have once been Maryland natives who returned to do the event. The Chesapeake Bay Bridge is fairly low down on the list of famous bridges in the US, ranking far below the Golden Gate and Brooklyn Bridge. Even the dreadful concrete and steel horror of the Tampa Bay is better known. It’s hard to imagine that anyone would come from afar just to walk or run across it. The only people (other than running fanatics) who would do so would likely be those with an interest in bridges, like myself. I suppose there is also a novelty factor, as most of these bridges that host such events normally have no pedestrian access. I really could not get much of a feel from any of my fellow bridge travelers as to what compelled them to be there. Most who took photos were doing selfies or group shots. I really didn’t notice anyone who was documenting the bridge as diligently as I was. At this point I am thinking I might be up for doing this walk again this coming fall. Perhaps then I might be able to get a better feel of it, and of course I will have the opportunity to take more pictures and videos. Especially now since that metal monster’s days are numbered.

Speaking of bucket lists, a walk across the demon of Tampa Bay is also in order for me at some point. My husband is retiring this year, so that will make travel easier. And, considering that the run across it is held in January, that is a time when my husband would be happy to escape the winter cold. The only problem is that the event is so popular it can be hard to secure a slot. But when the time comes, that won’t stop me from trying. One day in the future hopefully I will find myself about to challenge the ultimate monster bridge….

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