An end to the nightmares?

Speaking of that sinister nightmare inspiring structure of the south, the Sunshine Skyway, I was finally able to make contact with the owner of the website dedicated to the dark and deadly side of that concrete and steel monster. That site also presents a meticulously curated historical record of said monster. If you missed my past entry on this site, here is the link: The reply that I received was what I was hoping for, just to be able to converse with someone who would be able to understand my dilemma. I feel better now, that someone else has validated my concerns and seemingly gets where I am coming from. That which had been bothering me for some time (seeing that guy on the edge of an overpass last summer) seems to be a weight that has been lifted off of me. The recent dream I had about meeting the site owner inside the structure of the monster and being handed information on a set of scrolls did point me in the right direction. Otherwise, I might not have come back and revisited that site. Initially I never thought that person could possibly have any words of wisdom or understanding that might help me, but I was wrong about that. I had always felt like I wanted to contact this person and say something, but I was afraid to. Perhaps that was the meaning of the pervasive fear I had in those dreams. Hopefully I won’t have any more scary nightmares about the Skyway. Here is the public page with contributions I made to that site and a reply:
However, I did have a dream about that bridge last night, but it wasn’t frightening, just weird. In the dream I finally got the chance to drive across it, and my husband was with me. All around the approach of the bridge was a dense tropical forest and right next to the roadway were some very expensive looking homes. I said to my husband that I couldn’t imagine why anyone would want to live so close to all that traffic. As I crossed onto the actual bridge, on both sides of the lanes was this tall and very ornate wrought iron fence. It was about ten feet tall and had a lot of scroll work and pointed spikes on top. And up until the road exited the land there were all these vines with colorful flowers trailing up the fence. The bridge in my dream didn’t look anything like the real Skyway but I knew it was that bridge. Perhaps it was a 19th century version of the Skyway… I never made it far out over the water, much less onto the main span before I woke up. I remember being excited to finally see and drive over this monster in person. But at least this dream wasn’t scary.