The curious story of how we met, part 3 – the door

It was in the year of 2014 and winter had given way to spring, and my mind was still reeling from strange dreams and a strong desire for that what I did not understand. I puzzled over the return of the Bogeyman in my life and I tried my hardest to discern why he had suddenly returned to prominence. I was also spending some of my free time on a website that had an active forum as I sought out like minded people. A link was posted to another site where I could also find those with similar interests. But I found myself afraid to go there, for some reason. The site wasn’t specifically a hookup or even a dating site, but it did allow users to create various interest based groups and some of those groups would meet locally in public places. As I am rather introverted, I found that all a bit intimidating. But I had been feeling the need (independently of whatever was driving me and spurring on all of those dreams) to seek out new friends since Keri was gone. I dawdled around for a while, as summer began, still hesitant to even visit that site. Fear of the unknown can indeed be paralyzing. But that dream where Keri told me I needed to go thru that mysterious door stayed on my mind. Might the door that website? One day I decided that I would go head and open that virtual door, come what may. Once had done so, I found that there was a group with members near where I lived, and that it held a meeting at a local bar and restaurant on the second Wednesday of each month. This particular group was made up of science fiction fans, which is one interest of mine. So I created a profile on the site, and joined that group. The next meeting they had was the second Wednesday of July, and so I checked the box saying I would be in attendance. It wasn’t even a day later when I received a private message from a member commenting on some artwork I had posted in my profile. The message was essentially a compliment, but I noticed that the sender was a man who was twelve years my senior. I wasn’t sure what to make of the comment, as on this website there were also plenty of people looking for hookups and romance as well as those seeking friendship. Was this man checking out my profile for some purpose? So while I still planned on attending the meeting, I hoped that this man would not show up, even though he stated he was going. In my mind I pictured some creepy old man in a trench coat lurking in the corner of the bar, hoping to pick up any female that caught his eye.

Eventually, as the heat of mid-summer spread over the land, the night of that July meeting was at hand. It was to be held at seven in the evening, and attendees could purchase whatever food and drink they desired. I got myself ready to go, and told my mom I’d be home around nine or so. My mind reeled during the fifteen minute drive to the bar as my nervous hands gripped the wheel. Time passed quickly and I parked in one of the city lots nearby. The sun was sinking lower in the sky and it cast a golden glow over the town. I locked my car and began walking towards my destination, my heart quickening not from my rapid pace but from anxiety. And then there I was, standing on the sidewalk before the entrance to the eatery. I looked at the front door with trepidation, and I stood there for what seemed like a long time, watching people come and go. For just a moment I began to turn as though to walk away, and go back to the safety of my car. But something stopped me. I thought of Keri, and of the door. Perhaps the entrance to the restaurant was door number two, another portal thru which I must go alone….

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January 4, 2025

It strange how people can meet and not meet, what they social network meetup?  The destination is unknown in that moment turns into the biggest thing in life