Two auditions
I couldn’t sleep. My sleep app might be off…but it says I’ve only slept 3 hours and 43 min. I still need 4 more hours. I woke up due to an ant bite from earlier. My mind is wild…it goes on these roller coaster rides to carousels. I thought about my song, thought about sending it to a producer, thought if a producer could remake it. Thought about this director. Wondered why he never responded. Thought about the times I got drunk. Thought about all my embarrassing moments, thought about where to sit next time so I don’t get an ant bite, thought about wearing big underwear to sleep in since I now have to wear a sports bra to bed to prevent stretch marks, thought about neck bands. Oh how my mind races…
I checked my texts…good messages….one asked me which day I want to work with Anabel again- the other one confirming that all stems have went through and I’m good to go for studio later on today.
it’s been 65 days of cold water…i think that makes me have tension. I definitely must get a massage soon.
I have two auditions tomorrow. I’m going to ask our theater teacher if I can print out the sides with his printer or just hand write my lines since it’s not much to memorize. One is to play a mom at a grocery store… the other a musician.
i must pray now…
dear Jesus,
i hope the right president will help our country…protect us against all evil.
I pray for my auditions. I pray that I book them both if it is in your will.
i pray for my music career. That I can learn the right songs. That I can work with the right people. That my dreams become a reality.
I pray for my life… that it’s meaningful & special & well lived and I experience more joy.
I pray for beauty for ashes. Thank you for all that you do. Especially for things unseen… amen