Simple Truth

I guess I am in the category of radical left lunatic.

Let’s review Rtumps agenda;

1. Will follow project 2025.

2. Tariffs on every thing and recking world economy. I am betting it will raise prices for everything too.

3. Exit NATO, that will be nice for Russia.

4. Suspends the Constitution 

5. Brags about consorting with our enemies.

6. Sent Covid equipment to Putin and keeps in touch with him out of office.

7. Will punish or be vengeful to anyone who has spoke up about him saying he’s not fit for office.

8. Take us back to coal to produce electricity. Anti windmills.

9. Won’t release his physical report or his grades from his university.

10. Will pardon’s his cronies.

11. Leash the military on peaceful protests.

Did I miss anything?

Dictator on day one.

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1 hour ago

It simply boggles the mind that this piece of garbage Trump after everything he has done is still allowed to run for president and God help us. If he gets reelected he has no business being anywhere near the White House ever again he is too dangerous, too mentally unhinged and too stupid to do anything and he doesn’t care about the country. He just cares about himself Not good presidential material if you ask me