Sunday 10/6/24

7:47a.m. I’m above the dirt and a faced with another day in Hellhole Care Center . I spent most of last night laying in urine. I think I was changed twice. I also woke up from very weird dreams. I remember one where I was in a classroom. I was trying to write a paragraph on the blackboard. Then I was flirting with the teacher. I think we were about to get in on when I woke up.

I had nasty aides this morning. They got me in my wheelchair at 4:30. Again I had no clean pants so they dressed me in a skimpy hospital  gown. They hoyer pad is hurting already. Despite this I slept in my wheelchair until they served coffee and juice. Then I had a coffee cake, scrambled eggs and oatmeal for breakfast. I’m feeling a bit better now.

I talked with Chocolatechip. I wasn’t very with it. We talked for.a few minutes. She was going on about crypto currency. She heard on the news that it is going to replace real money. She said she hopes she is in a nursing home by then.  We just talked for a few minutes. I went back to sleep until breakfast.

I did a lot of reading in The White House Years by Henry Kissinger.  I read a section on Laos. Kissinger was talking about how the North Vietnamese had over sixty thousand troops in that country in violation of the 1962 Geneva Accords. They were aiding the Pathet Lao in overthrowing the government. Kissinger writes that North Vietnamese goal was to take over all of Indochina. I read until 9:00 last night and fell asleep.

I’m going to do my best to have a good day. I get so tired of bitching about the nursing home. I want to concentrate on my book and Chocolatechip. Life is too short to be miserable all the time.

10:17a.m. I made it to the Fiesta Room for the coffee social. I read my book while I drank my coffee. It was nice and hot. I spoke with my roommate also. We just said hi to each other. I also saw Norman but we didn’t speak. I still had a good time. I drank my coffee and made my way back to my room.

I’m having two delicious meals today. For lunch they are serving country fried steak, seasoned green beans, mashed potatoes, a dinner roll and lemon cream pie. I’m having Italian sub sandwiches, cucumber salad and mixed fruit for supper. You can’t beat it with a stick.

I started reading an interesting section about Prince Norodum Sihanouk. He lead Cambodia for almost thirty years. Kissinger writes that Sihanouk walked a tight rope between East West relations. He was able to maintain a neutrality although North Vietnam illegally occupied parts of Cambodia. Then in 1970 he was removed via of a coup and replaced by Lon Nol. That country soon went to hell. I got to read more.

12:33p.m. I went back to the Fiesta Room for lunch. It was delicious. I read more about Cambodia . Sihanouk’s own government removed him as head of state. Anti communists forces wanted to take a stronger stand.against the North Vietnamese forces and the Khmer Rouge. After his ouster Sihanouk ended up supporting the communists.

Anyway I ate my lunch and left early.  I was about to pee myself and was afraid of getting it on the floor. I called Chocolatechip. She was  watching a movie called The Trouble With Angels. But we talked for a few minutes then she had to take her meds.

I’m having a fairly good day. I’m not peeing as much. I’m enjoying my book. The hoyer pad is hurting badly. I do need my briefs changed and I’d like to be put back in bed.  I hope they get to me soon.

2:08p.m. I’m in a hell of a lot of pain and still in my wheelchair. I’ve been reading my book despite the extreme discomfort. I finished the section on Norodum Sihanouk. It was very fascinating. The communists we’re about ready to take over Cambodia. Contrary to folklore Nixon did not immediately support the overthrow or Lon Nol Yet a completely Communist takeover would leave U.S. position in South Vietnam untenable. In the end I think this was what prompted Nixon to order bombing of North Vietnamese sanctuaries. But I’ll have to read further.

I would be having a good day except I’m in a lot of pain. I talked with the aide about an hour ago. She said she has to take care of lunch trays and the lady across the hall then me. She should of gotten to me sooner. There is no excuse.

Chocolatechip said she is calling APS as soon as possible. This shit has been going on every damned day. It is draining both of us. I hope she calls soon, like Monday. I hope APS sends someone to this cursed place and shut her down.

3:14p.m. I’m finially in bed and wearing dry briefs. This is the first time I’ve been changed since 4:30a.m. The aides say I need to develop patience. I’d like to see them sit in filth and on a hoyer pad all day. I bet they would be screaming bloody murder.

4:27p.m. I’ve been trying to defuse. I’m just laying in bed and talking with Chocolatechip Her daughter Anne called. Then she talked about ordering groceries online. Chocolatechip would like to get that set up. It would be so much easier I said. She is nearly out of groceries already. She plans on going Walmart shopping tomorrow morning.

I talked about some of the things I’d like to tell APS. First and foremost the call light is never within reach. Second , not getting my briefs changed on a regular basis. Third not having water. Fourth, not getting a weekly shower and shave. She will write everything down and call APS Monday.

5:51p.m. I got some water at last. The nurse got it for me. I have been talking with Chocolatechip. She is going to bed at 6:00 tonight. She wants to get an early bus to Walmart. I am waiting for my supper. They bring it later and later. After supper I’m going to read tonight. I’m on a section where Nixon announced additional troop withdrawals This was in the face of a widening of the war.


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