Tuesday 9/17/24

6:27p.m. I did a very stupid thing last night. I fell asleep. My tablet was on the floor. An aide picked it up and I found it was still turned on. The battery level was down to zero percent. I thought i i died on me. plugged it in this morning. It took almost all day to charge but thank God it is working. This incident convinced me that I must buy a backup tablet instead of buying books.

I spent some time looking at tablets on Amazon this afternoon. At first I was going to buy a Samsung tablet for $167.99 when I get my Amazon gift card of $179. Then I began thinking. I looked for a much cheaper one for $79.99. This one is made by Printom, the kind I use now. I said to myself I better stick with what I know. What would happen if I can’t figure out how to use the Samsung? I finish decided on the Printom.

But it all depends on how much I get tomorrow. I stopped buy the Activities office after lunch . They still could not tell me if I would get the $179. The lady said she will send someone to my room later. But nobody came around. When I called they had left for the day. Something tells me I will not get the $179. Once again the nursing home lied to me.

Other than that I had a pretty good day. I had nice aides this morning who got me up by 6:30. I had a good breakfast of biscuits and gravy. Then Darla from physical therapy came early. She took me to the gym for my work out. My heart wasn’t into exercising today but I did my best. I was worried if my tablet would work.

Workout lasted for about forty minutes. Then Darla took me to the Fiesta Room for the coffee social. I had a good time but I was sorry and tired. Upon request they gave me two coffees. The caffeine perked me up some. Then  I made my way back to my room .

My tablet was still charging so I used my Kindle to read my book. I read The White House Years by Henry Kissinger until lunch. I made my way back to the Fiesta Room at 11:30. I was served two grilled turkey and cheese sandwiches with tater tots and snickerdoodle cookies for dessert. I stayed there for awhile then went back to my room.

Chocolatechip had a busy morning today so I didn’t bother her. I called and we talked for awhile about different things. I was soaked by then and needed my briefs changed..I rang the call light. Again I had a nice aide and didn’t have long to wait. I read my book until my tablet was charged. Then I shopped on Amazon.

Then I talked with Chocolatechip until supper. They served baked fish, blended veggies , mashed potatoes and a cup of fruit. I talked with Chocolatechip until she went to bed.  This was a good day

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3 weeks ago

I’m glad it was a good one for you. It was also a good one for me.

3 weeks ago

@ravdiablo  Thanks Rav I’ve been thinking about you I’m glad you had a good one