Monday 9/16 /24

8:26 p.m. I had yet another weird dream last night. I dreamed that Chocolatechip and I were captured by a cult. We were being held prisoners at the cult’s compound near Columbus, Ohio.  The leader was questing us. I had this tablet. He wanted it but I refused to give it to him. Somehow I escaped. I got in this car. Members were chasing me down  this country road I was driving 90 miles per hour and trying to get on a I70 to get back to Wheeling. It was weird.

I had shitty aides this morning. They got me up at 6:30.First,I was hooked up to an empty oxygen tank. Then they knocked over my phone and wouldn’t pick it up. I couldn’t reach the call light. It was on the floor. So I yelled out for help. In return I got yelled at. I had to tell the aide three times to please pick up the phone. She never did get the call light.

So I was having a tissy fit. But breakfast put me in a better mood. I was served French toast. It wasn’t all that great but better than nothing. I ate it. The coffee was nice and hot. I felt better after eating.

Then I  started to read The New York Times. The paper had a few articles about the second attempted assination of Trump. They have the shooter in custody. His name is Ryan Wesley Routh aged 58. Routh ,a nut job, wanted to fight and die for Ukraine. He concocted a crazy plan to recruit former.Afghan fighters to fight for Ukraine . Routh was a roofer living in North Carolina. He travelled to Ukraine when the war broke out. I don’t think he served in that country’s military.

Trump was safe thank God. But the Secret Service is facing more scrutiny. This is the second attempt on his life in two months. Something is not working. How can two lone gunmen get so close to a former President? He has all that protection.

11:40a.m. I am having a good day so far. I made it to the Fiesta Room for the coffee social. I had two cups I stopped at the business office and Activities Department on that the way back. It looks like I will be getting that $179 Wednesday when they go to Walmart. Then Darla took me to the gym for physical therapy. I had a good workout that lasted thirty minutes Darla also said she will contact maintenance about my new wheelchair.

Back home I called Chocolatechip . She just got back from WalMart. We talked for a few minutes. Then I read some interesting stories from the NYT. I read the paper for an hour. I opted to eat my lunch in my room today.

12:59p.m. I finished reading the NYT. I read until lunch. They served two egg salad sandwiches and potato salad. It was good.  I’m concentrating on The White House Years by Henry Kissinger next. Life is good.

2:14p.m. I found more good articles from the NYT to read. I read for yet another hour. Then a very nice aide put me in bed. She did a good job and put cream on my sore butt. I am glad to be in bed.

6:31p.m. I talked with Chocolatechip for a long time. Then I fell asleep for an hour or so. I woke up in time for supper. It was skimpy. I had a little bit of lasagna. It wasn’t very good this time. I called Chocolatechip after I ate. I gave her a short version of the news. I said everyone is going to hell.

Chocolatechip talked about getting her DVD player hooked up and her TV working. It was a process. We talked about today’s technology. Things were a lot easier when we were kids. We didn’t have cable. We didn’t have to program a remote, remember pin numbers or passwords. We suffer from a real handicap because we didn’t grow up with all this technology. But then if it weren’t for technology I wouldn’t be able to download ebooks.

I was telling Chocolatechip that I’m going to spend that big fat Amazon gift card on books. I have them all lined up I said. Out of $179 I’m buying a total of thirteen books. I’m a book addict and can’t help myself. Chocolatechip asked what I would do if my tablet goes? It is working fine I said. It’s working fine now she said. You need a backup. Chocolatechip has a good point. But I need to feed my addiction..We talked about this for half an hour then she went to bed.

It is not a done deal with these books. It all depends on getting all the money in my account. According to the business office it’s $179. I just find it hard to believe I’ll be getting that much. Like I told Chocolatechip I’ll believe it when I have the gift card in my big fat hands















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