Friday 9/13/24

3:19p.m.. I had a very busy morning. First, they got me up around 4:30a.m. I slept in my wheelchair until 6:30. Chocolatechip called. We talked until they served drinks and breakfast. I had biscuits and gravy. I had a bad incontinence episode and had to sit in urine for an hour. Finially,after screaming for help, an aide came to change my briefs. For a while I was a miserable old fart. It was starting to be one of those just shoot me days.

I wasn’t going to go to the coffee social. But I made it to the Fiesta Room anyways. I had two cups of coffeei zt that perked me up and made me feel better. Then I stayed for the exercise group. I moved my arms and legs for a half hour. I was fully awake and feeling like.a.mlionmbucks when it was over.

I started to make my way back to my room. Darla from physical therapy caught up with me. She took me to the gym. I had another good workout. I did all my leg exercises. Then the arm of my wheelchair broke. I had to stay while they got me a new chair. Darla took me.back to my room by 11: 00

I talked with Chocolatechip. Her tv went bad. She had no picture. Fortunately she has a backup. She also talked about the problem with Qlink. She is going to cancel with that cell phone service and switch to another company. But first she has to wait ukpbm. Mmntil her new debit card comes in the mail. We talked for a few minutes then I decided to head on down to the Fiesta Room for lunch.

I had a delicious lunch.They served two fish sandwiches, potato wedges, corn chowder and Mandarin oranges. I ate everything then watched TV for a bit. Then I made my way back to my room and.began to read.

I didn’t read the paper today. I wanted to concentrate on The Truths We Hold by Kamala Harris. I have two more chapters in that book. Finishing that today is a top priority. I read one chapter this afternoon and started the last chapter. I will finish that sucker tonight. Tomorrow I will start on Years of Upheaval by Henry Kissinger.

6:34p.m. I had a delicious supper. I had meatloaf, Lyonnaise potatoes, green beans, a biscuit and a cup of mixed fruit.  I talked with Chocolatechip after I ate. She went to Bible Study this afternoon . The reading assignment is James Chapter 1. She talked about the broken tv. She decided to pay someone to take it to the dumpster. I think that is a good idea.

Chocolatechip also went over finances. This is almost the middle of the month. Her bills are paid. She has groceries and money for more. She even has extra money. Chocolatechip said then thought she really s rewed up by getting rid of cable. But then she said I couldn’t afford it any longer. Besides it is nice to have money and groceries. I said you are absolutely right.

I talked about my book The Truths We.Hold by Kamala Harris. It was an ess autobiography of her life. Her mother was from India and her father was from Jamaica. She talked about.her childhood and going to an all black University, Howard. She also talked about her career as a prosecutor. When she was a prosecutor for San Francisco she started  program called Back on Track. This was designed to help non violent first time offenders stay out of prison.

Chocolatechip wasn’t too interested in this. She asked me what my next read would be. I said tomorrow I hope to start on the memoirs of Henry Kissinger. The first volume is Years of Upheaval . I said I read them before but I’d love to read them again.

Speaking of books I’m afraid I’ve been obsessing just a little bit. I have been looking at that Dark Tower boxed set by Stephen King. There are seven books in the series plus a concordance. They sell for $122.99. If I get that big fat $179 in Amazon gift cards I am going to buy it. I read them before but I love those books. I could read them a million times. A fool and his money are soon parted. I admit I’m the biggest fool around.

8:51p.m. I finished my book! I’m giving this a five star rating. I think The Truths We Hold is a must read. I was going to vote for Kamala Harris. Now I’m convinced she will make the better president than Trump For one reason she comes from a middle class family. She wrote about how hard it is to earn a decent living. As AG of California she went after the bad guys who exploited home owners during the 2008 Recession. Through out her career Harris always fought for the underdog

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4 weeks ago

Hello to you dear Bear.  I’m sorry I haven’t been to visit in some time but here I am now!  I’m happy that exercise and coffee helped you to feel better.  Both help me too.  You will have to tell us about the Kamala Harris book.  I would be interested to know your thoughts on it.  Have a beautiful rest of the day!  I’m glad you are able to go to the Fiesta Room to socialize.  That’s good for you too I think.  Hugs!

4 weeks ago

@wildrose_2 Hi It is nice to hear from you. I enjoyed reading the books I learned about her early career as a prosecutor in San Francisco. I thought she didn’t lot of good . I will write more about it when I’m finished. I do plan on voting for her.

4 weeks ago

What a nice day you had! I’m so glad you participated in the exercise group and PT. Getting the blood flowing through exercise really helps with mental well-being too. I hope today brings another good day for you.