Everything The Light Touches Is Our Kingdom

James Earl Jones died today.  He was 93-years old.

I didn’t realize that he was that old.  I didn’t even bother to search for a cause of death.  At 93, does it really matter?

Regardless of how he went, he’s gone now and with him, go the voices of Darth Vader and The Lion King’s Mufasa.

I find it particularly interesting that as great of a voice he had, as a youth, he battled a nasty stutter.  I don’t know how severe his stutter was, but it doesn’t matter.  It can be especially difficult to overcome such a speech impediment, regardless of severity.  I have one and sometimes, it gets the better of me.  Believe me, I try to hide it.  Sometimes, I can.  Other times, not so much.

But this post isn’t about me.

Mr. Jones, may you rest in peace.  Thank you for the memories.

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1 week ago

He came to Australia with Angela lansbury in 22. They did a season of Driving Miss Daisy. They were wonderful.  He gave us so much pleasure over the years.

@leonalia Incidentally, Lansbury would die in 2022 at the age of 96.