Something Strange

Today, on my way home, I was on the train, listening to an audiobook, Way Back by Sara Cox. It’s an easy, no-frills read, the kind that doesn’t demand much focus. No complicated plots or endless names to remember, perfect for my neurodivergent brain. Just smooth sailing, enjoying something simple.

But then something strange happened. The narrator started talking about her father, and I couldn’t really relate with that. So, I tried picturing my own dad instead. He passed away some years ago, and though I don’t often dwell on it, my mind went there… And then it hit me, his aftershave. Faint, but unmistakable. It hovered in the air around me, like it had traveled through time to find me on that train. Not overwhelming, just there, as if he was sitting quietly nearby although I was completely alone. I stayed completely still, barely breathing, not to break the moment…

It wasn’t until I told myself, “This can’t be real,” that the smell disappeared. Just like that… gone…

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2 weeks ago

There are people who would tell you your Dad was “visiting” you in that moment.  And who knows?  Maybe he was.  None of us knows what happens after, so it’s certainly possible!