Had a bad day,,,

SO… I guess today was the perfect day to start a diary on here.. I have had one of the worst days today.. Normally i have good days and i really havent had a break down or fall out in a while.. But i dnno today was dif.. It started out me just being down (be cause of my depression) It was my only day off this week and i needed to get sooo much done but i laid in bed from 9-3 then i finally motivated my self to get up and clean and just get my things organized soo i would feel better about every thing… soo then my asshole dad starts freaking out on me… i knw i know im 23 and still living at home.. believe me i would LOVE to be out on my own but i have school loans to pay off… which is a bummer sooo ive been stayin at home to get caught up and ahead. soo.. n e ways .. my dad starts trippin.. hes a dick head.. hes never happy always has some issue w me and always has to tell me what to do in life and what im not doing n whats wrong.  soo hes a dick and starts trippin out… and i dunno it just went back and i got kicked out again for the like 10th time.. this is sooo sick… seriously i work as hard a i can to just get thru life be happy and avoide the drama and he brings it… i cant help it hes not happy in life and he shouldnt take it out on me.. i dunno it just hurts ya know cuz hes my dad and he should try and be more understanding but no.. yea right he thinks my depression is a joke.. i dunno… i just wanna be happy and i wanna be ahead in life… n i know i will get ther i just gotta stay focused and ignore the haters…. Thanks for listening!! haha

P.S. Depression sucks.. But im gonna kick it in the Ass!!!

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