Thursday 9/5/24

10:04a.m.I had a weird dream last night. . I was at a seance. There were three mediums dressed in black robes. They were all standing in a circle . They were trying to summon the ghost of a dead baby. There was this woman sitting at a table. She was the mother of the baby. The woman started crying when the mediums mentioned the baby’s name. Then a weird sound came from nowhere. This was when I woke up.  

Other than that I slept better last night. I was up for good by breakfast. They served my favorite breakfast of pancakes and sausage. This time I ate it. Even the coffee was nice and hot. Then I fell back asleep. I slept until the aide changed my briefs, got me dressed and in my wheelchair.       

I think today is going to be better. I slept good and had a good breakfast. Then I had a nice aide. So the day is starting off with a bang. Consequently, I’m in a much better mood. I hope I can get back to reading the paper and my book. Life is good.      

2:39p.m. I’ve read several interesting articles in the New York Times this morning. I read the paper until they served lunch. I had two chicken tacos, rice, corn and jello. The coffee was good and hot. Also,  I had physical therapy at for a half hour. I made up for yesterday. In short I’m having a very good day.   

I also have some good news from the business department . My account balance is $179.00. This means I can afford a new Kindle or tablet if I ever get an Amazon gift card. It seems that the COVID threat has diminished . I noticed they are having the coffee social again. So they might be going to Walmart after all. I will see what happens.

4:54p.m. I was looking at Amazon Kindles. I saw one I might buy if I get a gift card. It was for $129 something. My.Kindle is working fine. But I’ve had this one for some time now. You never know if it will go bad. It all depends if I can get a gift card this month. 

I also have been reading the New York Times . I haven’t felt like reading the paper in a while. I have been reading all afternoon. So I am having a great day.

A little while ago I was asked if I wanted to lie down . I am feeling so good I said no. I haven’t felt this good in days. I just didn’t want to end it.     

6:25p.m. Supper was not all that great. They served Sicilian roast beef,  cream potatoes, green beans and Angel food cake. I didn’t like the meat because it was spicy and tough. But I ate everything anyways. I called Chocolatechip after I ate. She was very tired But we talked for a few minutes then said goodnight. 

I’ve been reading the paper all day. I hope to read The Truths We Hold by Kamala Harris tonight. I’m making slow progress in this book . But I will read it from cover to cover.        

8:27p.m. The aide put me in bed by 7:30. I’ve been reading my book. I finished the third chapter. I’m winding down now. I doubt l will start on the next chapter.

10:43p.m. I can’t sleep. I’ve been thinking how I can spend all that money. I thought of blowing it all on books. I don’t know if I’m getting a gift card this month. But I’m obsessing over how I will spend the money. I swear I’m crazy as a loon. 

I’m also thinking that business lady made a mistake or I heard wrong. There is no way I will be getting $179 I got $50 last month.i So how did it add up to so much so fast? At most I should be getting $100, $50 for July and $50 for September. Something just doesn’t add up right.    

This is the kind of stupid shit I worry about. I shouldn’t be obsessing about more books or money I don’t have. It is stupid. I am stupid for being like this. I need to stop it and stop it now






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September 5, 2024

Sounds like a better day for you, I’m glad to hear it! I also hope they start taking you guys on trips and grocery runs again, I know facilities in my area are starting to return to something that resembles “normal”. Sleep well friend!