Bible study in a house

Going to meet up with other Bible study buddies at one of the lady’s houses tomorrow morning.   Have to get there earlier then we usually wake up.  I was going to make stuffed bell peppers at first.  But I did a test run before hand to see how long it would take to make it, and how it tasted, since I’ve never made this before.  YIKES, I was so surprised about how long it took to make.  Is it like that every time someone makes something for the first time?  It took hours.  I finished baking it, then ate one.  It wasn’t terrible…. but it wasn’t great, and it didn’t fill me up as much as I thought it would.  I emailed the person who invited everyone that maybe I should make French frie wedges instead.  I made some today. I’ve made fries before, and the ones I’ve made before turned out pretty good.  But this was wedges, and with ingredients I’ve not tried before.  It still took hours to make.  Had to cut some of the ingredients, or mince them myself.  I guess I should expect this every time I try something for the first time. I finished baking those, and tried them.  Now most of these ladies are older, so I know that their taste buds are not going to be the same as mine….. but I thought these fries were incredibly bland.  I mean, it turned out fine, crispy, cooked all the way through…. but I couldn’t taste much of nothing, except maybe parmesan cheese… and that was only some of the time.  Maybe I didn’t wait long enough for them to cool off.  I was hungry.  They definitely need a sauce to go with them.  Soooo, I made a bag & put all the ingredients in. There’s no way I wanna stand for hours again.  Well the recipe calls for bread crumbs.  I didn’t have any bread crumbs.  I had a small amount of crackers, so I smashed them up, and used them instead.  The one’s that I’m making tomorrow…. well I bought onion & cheddar potato chips and crushed them up.  I think I’ll put more garlic in it to tomorrow.  I hope the older lady’s don’t take one taste of them, and decide It’s to spicy or something.  I just like to be able to taste my food. 🙂

I didn’t do much else then that today.  Just a lot of standing.

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