Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Woke up to my husband getting dressed and ready for work around 5:45, he left with my mother-in-law around 6:30 for work.  She went with him to do her laundry, shower, and a little grocery shopping.  I was suppose to go with, but I didn’t feel like spending the entire day with her.  I know that sounds awful…but she’s really too much.  I worry about the state of her mental health as she gets older…she’s not anywhere in as good of shape as my father-in-law who’s out riding motorcycles and snowmobiles all year at 76,  she’s just turning 69.

I stayed in bed until around 9, not really sleeping, but not ready to get up…it’s chilly here and I really didn’t feel for that right away.  I came downstairs and made a fire, we are running low on wood though, so my options were pretty limited and it’s already dying down.  So now I’m here with a big cup of coffee in the silence with my dog, writing.  I have really missed having this platform.  I only wish I could remember what my diary name was from 20 years ago to recover it.  Like I said in my earlier, private entry, I probably don’t need to go revisiting the past anyway…those years weren’t my best memories.

Plans for today – I don’t really have any!  I am using the little bit of data I’m allowing myself to write here, probably a wise choice vs losing myself on a social media platform.  Though, when I couldn’t sleep last night, I thought about writing here, but I didn’t feel like getting up and disturbing my husband, I got onto Pinterest and looked for wallpaper ideas for the salon.  I found something that I really like and when I have WiFi again, I’ll make a note to upload my ideas here…as well as a picture of our cozy little fire I made this morning.  I finished my book,  The Things We Never Got Over, the other day and started the second book in the series…but I wasn’t able to order it so I’m listening to it on Audible, it’s not the same.

Wallpaper inspiration

I have two branches drying out on the table for macrame, I need to move them onto the dock so they get sunbleached.  The weather has just been so hit and miss with the rain that then they just get wet all over again.  As soon as I get back home, I’m going to make it a point to not only 1) get healthier with my diet – alcohol, etc. 2) some sort of daily exercise, but 3) making time for being creative – macrame, painting, anything fun and artsy.  I haven’t done anything for so long and I really miss the therapy.

After the discussion I had with my brother-in-law this last weekend (private entry), I had the worst thoughts before going to bed.  I just couldn’t shake the things that he had said…and it had me worrying about my own relationship with my husband.  I haven’t had these feelings since the very beginning of our relationship 7 years ago (and for good reason – he was still living with his ex…but the whole thing was messy) and it’s not that I don’t trust him.  Our relationship, living so far apart again because of the immigration process…is just so much harder.  I thought the worst of it was back in the beginning…but the worst of it has been this last year, after having lived with him for 4.5 years…and then having to move back home because the government decided that my temporary resident status was up.  (They had extended it « indefinitely » during the pandemic…and then one day just sent me a letter telling me I had to leave.)  I get that it was going to happen…but for those years, we built a life and a family/partner dynamic that I fell in love with.  And then, was told I needed to leave immediately because I no longer had a status.

(This entry is going places I didn’t intend…)  So then, I moved to my grandma’s…which was awful to say the least.  I love her…but I found out a lot of things that are going on within the family that I can’t shake.  I’ll write more about that later.  So I made it about 6-7 months there and never left my room…or at least I made my best effort not to.  Or just to be gone as much as possible, tiptoeing around her.  Then I moved in with a friend…and that’s been fine, nothing more, nothing less…and at least we are both pretty clean people so that cuts out a lot of the petty arguments.  Though, she has had a cooler of alcohol dumped over in our front yard for the last 2 months…no joke…I thought she would have cleaned it up by now as her (not-yet-ex) husband has been over multiple times.  I imagine she says it’s mine.  I can’t wait to get out of there though and have my own space again.

My husband and I are working on those plans…we are looking more into an RV for the time we move and staying in it over the winter for a few months and explore.  I think it sounds like a really great idea and adventure.  We can save some money, look for a nice place, and settle down…always having our dream house here to come back to.  Just need immigration to run smoother in the US than it has here…and faster.

I think that’s all for now…I am going to try to make some new friends here, I like connecting with the diary community…I feel like keeping a diary or journal has become so rare and that makes me really sad.  I guess I quit keeping one for a few years…and I’ve never really been that consistent about it, but now that I have this platform again, my goal is to at least get one entry in a day.  It’s easier for me to type than it is to write…because I’m too frustrated with my handwriting and then I just end up burning the pages and starting over, days later.

I do miss a few things about the old OpenDiary…like being able to customize the colors, look and feel, of your diary.  I doubt if I have any of my friends on here anymore…but I still am being cautious making some things private that I know (names, locations, etc.) would be a total giveaway.


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September 4, 2024

How funny, something else we have in common: I also plan to move into an RV to cut living costs and will be living in it year around. I’m learning tips and tricks for winterizing it when the time comes. I’m so sorry that the government said you had to go- there is zero intelligence or continuity behind what they do and it’s frustrating to say the very least. My heart hurts for you. I’m also enjoying the OD community very, very much. People are so much kinder and more thoughtful and encouraging here than on mainstream media. I have given up every major platform (other than to use it to look for recipes or specific things) and I don’t miss it at all. People can be so cruel these days. Keeping a journal again has been so therapeutic, I also wish more people kept one. <3

September 5, 2024

@jubaliee That sounds awesome!  I need to do some research as well…more for the daily tasks as winterizing won’t be so much of an issue for us in Arizona.  But the little things, washing clothes, easy cooking, etc. – that stuff I definitely need more information on, haha!

The issue with the Canadian immigration process is that it just is nonsensical.  Everything they’ve told us…and that we’ve done, has had to be redone multiple times because so much time passes in between that then they’ve updated their forms or require fingerprints and police reports to be updated, again and again…if it would all just get done in a timely manner, it would be a lot more efficient with less work for everyone involved.

I totally agree with you on the social media aspect of things.  I post for and about my business…and then follow interior design and art profiles…but that’s basically it!  Too political, too much drama…just doesn’t feel like a good place anymore.  And I wouldn’t dare share anything personal.


September 5, 2024

@hiddeninthemaples I dare say even if you did share anything personal on MSM, you wouldn’t get any meaningful or empathetic feedback anyhow, best leave it for OD. If I come across any good blogs or websites about RV living, I’ll be sure to send you links. We will rock the RV life like no other 🙂

September 7, 2024

@jubaliee totally agree!!  And yes, please send them my way, I would really appreciate that!  I’ll do the same 🙂