Walking into zombieland

Hello there, 

Shall we journey into the land of the dead… 

When I first got released from prison after 8yrs of my life was taken from me for no reason(another true,but unbelievable story) I came out of prison brand new and bored. I was living with my second husband in Delaware.  So what happens to an addict, even if we’re recovering, when we become bored.   I wanted to get high. So I knew old places to obtain my “poison” what I got high with. I journeyed into south New Jersey and Kensington Philadelphia,  this was before zombieland came to existence.  I was looking for heroin,  but even that was replaced by something stronger Fentyal,   Fetty was there before tranq.  After about 5yrs of being addicted to fentanyl, those evil soulless dealers start cutting the dope with horse/animal tranquilizer.   (God help those poor souls) 

So I meet these homeless people, then by choice just stay on the streets with them and one I thought was my twin flame ( he is my twin flame) I couldn’t save him…. Why wouldn’t he listen to me…  

(Apologies I’m reliving all the traumatic experiences an imagines.) 

What happened?  I can remember that we’re all getting high on Fentyal then these sores start forming… People thought they were just an abscess.  Seen one of my friend’s have an infected thumb, which turned black, then he jumps into my Cab one day and shows me his thumb which is completely black, dead flesh creeping down his hand and wrist.  I said ” friend, you need to go to the hospital and your gonna lose that thumb, if you don’t get that cut off, you’ll lose your arm then life.” He got the thumb cut off.   That’s nothing compared to what I seen in Kensington pa.  

I know I’m all over with this but I’ll be more together later I must tell you how bad it is…

My fellow readers it’s just like the movie’s,  ever seen the movie “zombieland” only difference is Kensington hasn’t started eating brains…yet.  

I went to ground zero for some reason or another and I’m walking down the street with people sitting there shooting needles into a half rotten arm with their bones showing and they’re STILL walking around.  Old bandages with to rotted tissue and puss, on the ground besides pool of blood. The smell… It smelt like I was in the walking dead.  I apologize I have to take a break… This is a lot for me to relive… I couldn’t save him… So I must retire for the moment… To be continued… ( I hope you were able to follow, my mind is everywhere, every tragic event wanting to be told… 

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2 weeks ago

Just take your time, get whatever you need to get out onto the pages and stop when it’s too much. This more about you than any of us reading. Even as I read the words, I can’t imagine what that must have been like and it makes my heart hurt that such a place exists/ed.