Stars & Planets

Dearest Sima,

A storm-themed Halloween—that sounds incredible! I’ll need photos and highlights of the local reactions. This year, I’m going with classic horror, maybe with a slight nod to film noir.

I’ve heard on social media that my 15-year karmic cycle is ending soon. Does that mean I’ll suddenly burst through closed doors into a wildflower-filled field with bright sunlight, creating a heavenly halo? Life will consist of brilliant moments of luxury and happy times. Bring it on, I say! Let the stars and planets align.

Watching a friend struggle with self-worth is difficult when you know they are magnificent. Kimberly phoned earlier to tell me about her latest spat with Matt. He is so good at making her feel responsible for his issues. It’s always her fault that he can’t get his life together. If Matt prefers to spend his time without her, it is somehow her fault for being uninteresting. Why doesn’t she leave him? I suspect it’s because Kimberly feels some dependency on him. I wish she would realize that she deserves so much more. It’s been the same song and dance since he moved in with her last year.

There’s a growing sense of distrust in the writing group. At meetings, I am typically quiet and prefer to observe. That’s served me well over the last few months. I’ve noticed the chairwoman making decisions that suggest suspicions of dishonesty. It makes me wonder if she suspects someone is causing drama or if someone is breaking one of the foundational bylaws. Time will tell. I’m invested in the group’s longevity and hope things get sorted quickly.

Have you read anything interesting recently? I’m finding it difficult to lose myself in the pages of a book right now. I get distracted with random thoughts or find myself drifting off to sleep. I’m sure my pile of unread books wishes I would pull it together and make some progress!

Chef and I are thinking about buying a smaller house next year. We enjoy the location and space in our current home, but it seems a waste since we spend all of our time in several rooms. Besides, as we get older, we’d instead use our money for travel. I’ve started browsing real estate with no real focus on anything specific. I’ve even found myself looking at beach cottages and mountain cabins. Maybe we should move closer to you!

I’m hoping the stars and planets align for you, too.

Always, Greta

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3 weeks ago

Hmm, now I’m going to have to look into what a 15 year karmic cycle entails because I absolutely do feel like I’ve had a metamorphosis in my own life!

A storm themed Halloween sounds really awesome, I would like to see how that turns out as well. Halloween is my favorite holiday.

I too have been struggling with being able to maintain focus to read a book, maybe it’s something celestial going on. Anyways, pleasure reading your post, you have a wonderful flow to your thoughts! <3