Life Long Learning

We learn everyday!

In everything we do in our Lives, our Faith or  our studies, we are constantly learning and becoming better with everything we learn! The mistakes people make in this learning process are: 1) Not being humble enough to learn and appreciate that they will not always know everything and 2) Overlook others that haven’t learnt what they have learnt and somehow judge them when they don’t act accordingly!

We will always find people that either know more than we do or less than we do and so we should always be flexible to learn from those that know more and teach those that do not know more than we do! It’s an ever ending thing…

I know people that become shy/ ashamed when they find out or learn something they were not aware of, for example adapting to a bad behavior that they weren’t even aware of and they end up beating themselves up because they think whatever it is they have done is embarrassing ! They shouldn’t feel like that! Whether that person is a leader or is looked up to they themselves will also always learn along the way and they are bound to make a mistakes because they were not aware…

We are not perfect beings! We will never be…

“Can a mortal be more righteous than God? Can a man be more pure than His Maker?”

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