אני קושית יפה/I’m a Cute Black Girl Pg 100

So much has been happened these past few weeks….and all I can say is Hashem works in wonders.

For the past 2 weeks I have been beyond stressed.

Sad Jane
Sad Szn

Sad Ending Demo for disappointing my sister and father due to my reckless spending.

but the sun smiled down at me through all the clouds and rain that we have been experiencing in Cape Town lately. It even shined on my bday last week and it is known to notoriously pour with rain on my bday.

After running around like a headless chicken creating a video for a job interview and then doing a polygraph test for a different job, I got both jobs!! And yesterday morning I handed in my resignation!

Things are still crazy, but I am smiling nonstop and feeling optimistic and as scared as I am Laugh.

But Hashem…don’t think I am ungrateful but blessing me with that house would also be greatly appreciated.

For the past few week I have been trying to keep up with the Parasha readings…now I have fallen behind but that’s a lot thanks to me not being dedicated enough to stick to my readings but on this past Saturday I went to an Orthodox Shul and while the Rabbi was doing the sermon and reading from the Torah, Fondness, I read along in the English and I found it unfair how Hashem decided that the elders would not be allowed into Israel, because of their loss in faith in him and how they broke his laws and so it was up to the new generation of Israelites to start the new Jewish Life and Way in the promised land.

I can so relate this to what has been going on in South Africa since it became a democratic country in 1994.

Because the elders have deemed themselves worthy to enjoy the fruits of their hardship during apartheid and to now let the youth instead benefit and lead the country, South Africa is suffering, and the youth are facing the hardships…well the whole country is.

My father is Israeli and there is nothing he wouldn’t do for his children and grandchildren, and I think that is because of how he follows Hashem and wants us to grow and be better?

This world is so crazy and no offence to the New Testament and to all those that follow it but I wonder if the world is doomed now because of how divided the world is and how astray from Hashem and G-d we have all become.

Pray for Peace? – Rabbi Laura Duhan-Kaplan

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