Saturday 8/24/24

9:58a.m. I’m above the dirt. I had the usual nightmares last night. But I did get decent care. The aides came in to change my briefs two or three times. So I wasn’t lying in filth all night. I was up for good by 6:30 when Chocolatechip called. She was not feeling well. She complained of nazel drainage and a slight fever. She also felt achy. We talked for a while then breakfast was served.   I had ate a coffee cake, hash browns and scrambled eggs.  

I laid in bed until the aide came to get me up. She did a good job. She cleaned me up good, changed my briefs, dressed me and got me in my wheelchair by 9:00. I wanted to go  to the Coffee Social but they are not having it. The aide said the Fiesta Room is closed. 

I think I’m going to have a good day. I don’t seem to be coughing as much. I’m not out of the woods yet. I still feel tired, weak and achy all over. But I’m not hacking my fool head off. That is a blessing.   B

11:51a.m. I’ve been listening to Vietnam: A History by Stanley Karnow. I got through the first chapter. I like listening to audiobooks. I find it relaxing and soothing. But I have to concentrate on the narration. Sometimes this is hard for me because my mind wanders. Still I’m learning something and that is what’s important . 

So I am having a good morning. I’m not coughing. I do better when I’m sitting up in my wheelchair. I feel tightness in my chest feel though. But I’ve been drinking lots of water. I hope that helps. Also I haven’t been peeing myself and that is a good thing. Life is good.    

1:06p.m. I had a good lunch. They served two turkey and cheese sandwiches, pasta salad and Mandarin oranges. I ate it all and now I feel a bit bloated. I talked with Chocolatechip. She is expecting a food order from 4-6. She can’t tie up the landline then. Chocolatechip is feeling better but she is still fighting a  virus.    

I’m still having a good day. I don’t have anything to bitch about today.      

3:31p.m. I spent all afternoon listening to my audiobook Vietnam: A History by Stanley Karnow. I got through the second chapter which tells how France gained control over the region.It was interesting. I hope I can get through the third chapter before supper. Then I’ll concentrate on The New York Times tonight. 

I’m having a good supper. They are serving braised pork with pepper and onions, pan fried potatoes, Italian broccoli, a dinner roll and strawberry striped cake. Supper sounds good but I’m not very hungry. 

I’m still in my wheelchair. I hope they put me to bed before supper. But I’m ok if I stay up. The hoyer pad is not hurting too much today.  I’m having a good time in my chair while listening to my audiobook. I hate to see it end.   

4:33p.m. I am in bed now. I had two nice aids. They got me in bed and then changed my briefs and put cream on my butt and thighs. I was glad to get in bed.   

7:26p.m. I’m listening to my audiobook Vietnam:A History by Stanley Karnow. The narrator is talking about the early life of Ho Chi Minh. This is very very good. I hate to go to sleep tonight because I want to listen to my book. I’m having such a good time.   

8:26p.m. I wanted to listen to my audiobook but the speaker’s battery is running low. So I think it is best to call it a night. That is the trouble with these electronic devices. They depend on batteries and batteries run down. I’d love to go back to reading brick and mortar books. But there is no room for them in a nursing home.   

When I had my apartment in Misery Towers I had three large bookcases full of books. I think I had over two hundred books in all. It took me a lifetime to collect that many. I loved those books. They were friends. Then some low life asshole gave me bed bugs. I had to get rid of everything including my beloved library. Then I started using ereaders . Bed bugs can’t get in ereaders.   

 But I am still crying over those books. Oh well I would of lost them anyway because  I ended up in a nursing home. Still it broke my heart to carry all my friends to the dumpster. I could of donated them toba good home such as a library. But they were all contaminated with bed bugs.    

An aide came in to change my briefs. I’ve been laying in my own filth since supper. At least I got changed

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August 25, 2024

Hi Bear!  I’m glad your cough is getting better.  That’s good news!  Everything that you had to eat sounds so good.  Also, am glad you now are able to read The New York Times.

August 25, 2024

@wildrose_2 Thanks. It is nice to hear from you