Thursday 8/22/24

8:22a.m. I feel like day old shit. First I had one nightmare after last night. These were terrible dreams about sexual abuse of boys. They went on and on and on. I’d wake up and fall back to sleep only to pick up where I left off. I was up for good by 7:30 when they served breakfast. 

This time I ate the pancakes and eggs. I called Chocolatechip. She is going out with her daughter Anne and sister Kathleen. They are going to Bob Evans in Weirton. Then she is going to Walmart for groceries. I said I wish I was going with you. I also said it would be.nice if the three of us could have lunch at the nursing home. Chocolatechip said that would be a great idea.   

I’m not doing very well. I’m soaked ready and need my briefs changed. The aide was a bit nasty. She was the only one working on the hall she said. I will have to wait. This means I will be lying in urine and feces for a couple hours. Life sucks.         

10:56 a.m. I’m finially dressed and in my wheelchair. The aide came around 10:00. She apologized for taking so long. I thought that was nice and I said that is ok. She then cleaned me up , changed my briefs, dressed me and got me in my wheelchair . She did a good job.     

I’m not going to the Fiesta Room for lunch. I still feel like shit. Besides I don’t think I can make it down there. I had to go to the nurse’s station. That little jaunt wore me out. I’ll just stay in my room today . 

I talked with Chocolatechip. She is excited about going out for lunch with her family I said I hope you have a good meal. She was also hoping that Anne will take her to Walmart.She bad too much stuff to carry on the bus. Then she connected with Michelle,an old friend from Steubenville , and planned to get together soon. I said that is great.    

I slept a lot this morning before they got me dressed. I had a weird dream. I was in this grocery store.  I had a huge order.  I got to the check out counter. I didn’t have money for it. The clerk was very angry. She said I had to put everything back. Dreams are weird .  

12:48p.m. I made it to the Fiesta Room for lunch after all. I had two BBQ cheeseburgers and pineapple tidbits. Lunch was delicious. I’m  in a better mood and feel a bit better. I love a good burger. 

I have not been reading. I was just too sick yesterday. I was not feeling all that great this morning. But I will try and read The New York Times this afternoon. Then it my book A Calamity of Souls tonight. I got to get back with the program.     

4:06p.m. I read a couple articles from the paper and fell asleep . I must of slept a long time. The phone rang around 2:30. It was Chocolatechip who just got back from the lunch date. She had a great time she said. After  lunch Chocolatechip and her daughter Anne went to the Dollar Tree. Chocolatechip bought some much needed groceries. It seems a good time was had by all.

We talked for a few minutes. I told her about my day. I said I was sitting in poop andad.ia urine since lunch. So I had a typical day in the nursing home. I also talked about my cough. I’m beginning to think the COPD is getting worse. This has been going on for a month . I also said I think I do better when I’m in my wheelchair. Chocolatechip said that makes sense. What doesn’t make sense is the nursing home isn’t doing anything about it I said.  

I am in bed now. The aide came in after 4:00. She didn’t good job. But I haven’t been taken care of since 10:00.Like I said I’ve been sitting in filth all afternoon. Care in this place sucks.     

6:40p.m. I didn’t eat supper. For some reason I’m not getting the substitutes I ask for. I wanted pork chops not fish. I had a big lunch so I wasn’t hungry. I then called Chocolatechip. We talked about different things. She is worried about the results of f her blood work. One doctor wanted to see her right away. But she couldn’t make an appointment until the 26th. Then she was told by another that there was something wrong with her kidney. All other results came out good.     

I also finially got around to reading The New York Times. I read several interesting stories about the DNC. Kamala Harris is going to give her historic acceptance speech tonight. I also read about her tax plan. I had to read this one twice because I found it complicated Basically I think she wants to raise taxes on corporate income  and the the wealthy. But people making less than $400,000 a year will not be affected. That is one thing I don’t have to worry about.     

I’m going to read A Calamity of Souls tonight. I didn’t read last night. I’m getting close to the end and the author, David Baldacci keeps you guessing .    

9:18p.m. A Calamity of Souls by David Baldacci is an excellent novel. I have ten more chapters. I’ve been reading it for the last two hours. I’d love to stay up and finish it. There has been one plot twist after another. It is so damned good. I jrust have to find out what happens in the end. I will try and stay up a couple more hours. 





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