First time!

“It’s not hard, it’s just new”

Im smiling writing this because many are times when we are hard on ourselves when we just can’t get things right on the first go! It just clicked that we shouldn’t view it like that, we should always consider that we learn only as much as what foundation we have of what we are learning! So if we are finding something hard to learn, it isn’t because we are stupid or a slow learners, it just needs us a little more time to get to do it and in no time we’ll know it and be good at it!

I like to say it’s everyone’s first time being here, I definitely don’t believe in reincarnation:) haha! But everyone who’s here is experiencing life for the first time, no one knows how anything should go trust me! This means that we stand to learn everyday!

How to deal with emotions, how to react to failure, loss, your self, other people! All these things! It’s always going to be your first time experiencing something and you shouldn’t be hard on yourself to perfect anything you do! Just learn and live! Make mistakes, you are not bound to not make them, it’s your first time! How can you not when this life thing doesn’t have a manual!

Some of y’all’s lives aren’t going as planned and you keep hitting yourself as if you say it was bound to be as you planned?! How could it have been ?! How could you have known your future when it’s your first time being here?! Don’t be hard on yourself, this experience is new everyday…

So next time if you are finding it hard to go about something remember: It isn’t hard, it is just my first time going through this and every new thing needs a new approach!

For my thoughts are not your thoughts,neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord”

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