Tuesday 8/20/24

7:47a.m. I had terrible dreams last night. I remember one dream where I was a cop investigating a murder. I was in this spooky house. Some force kept drawing me to a window. When I got there I looked down to see a a dead body . People were looking at it. Then when I got there this body wasn’t dead. It was a fellow cop stuck in a hole.   

The cop in the hole was yelling. He was trying to climb out but something was pulling him back in. He was being kept captive by a sinister man. At the bottom of the hole was a large cave. His captive appeared out of nowhere. They got in a fight.The man ended up strangling his prisoner.    

I was up for good by 6:30. Chocolatechip called and we talked for a few minutes. Then they served cold scrambled eggs. I didn’t eat them. I ate the two sweet rolls that came with it. So I had something this morning.     

10:01a.m. I had two very nice aides this morning. They put lots of cream on sores. Then they changed my briefs, got me dressed and in my wheelchair. I was ready for the coffee social. I made my way to the Fiesta Room. I had one cup of very hot coffee. Then I made my way back to my room. I called Chocolatechip and left a message.     

I’m having a good day today, so far.     

12:38p.m. I read five or six articles in The New York Times. It was all about the Democratic Convention . They were very good stories. Joe Biden gave a great speech. He talked about serving his country for fifty years. I thought it a bit touching and sad. But it is time for Joe to go.   

I read the paper until 11:30. Then I went to the Fiesta room for lunch. I had an Italian meatball sub, fries and  vanilla ice cream.unch was delicious. I ate everything then left for my room. I called Chocolatechip. She said to call back at 1:00.  

4:11p.m. I’m back in bed. I had nice aides who gave me a shower this afternoon. Then they put me in bed around 3:15. Since then I’ve been reading The New York Times. There were a lot of good memories in the paper today. I love that paper.    

6:28p.m. I had turkey, mashed potatoes with gravy, brussel sprouts and a peach cobbler for supper. It was ok and I ate everything. I finially got a hold of Chocolatechip after I ate. She had a caregiver for four hours today. This caregiver showed up at her door unannounced at 9:00. She was the same caregiver who had an emergency in Florida. Anyway, once again the caregiver didn’t work out. She sat on her butt half the time and played with her phone.       

Chocolatechip was in a very bad mood about it. They have a list of chores that are supposed to be done. Chocolatechip and I can’t understand why the caregiver can’t come in and do the list. Chocolatechip said she doesn’t need ai baby sitter or somebody that wants her life story. I said nobody wants to work these days. I also said I would call WV Choice and tell them goodbye. They are causing you more grief than anything. 

She was also upset because the cost of washing clothes doubled. It went up to $2 a wash and $2 a dry. If she washes close every day like they want that’s $120 a month. Good God how the hell can people in Misery Towers afford that? Chocolatechip said a lot of people will be going around in dirty clothes. 

I didn’t have much to say. I just listened. I did say I don’t think you need an caregiver. You got through inspection on your own with flying colors. That is what is important. I also said you do your own laundry almost every day. Why do you need a caregiver in the first place? 

Well we talked about it for a half hour. She is going to call the agency tomorrow morning at 8:00. She is going to fire that girl. Good in said. Then I bashed WV Choice. I had caregivers from that agency . Most of the ones I had were not worth a bucket of spit.  That ended our conversation.   

I had a fairly good day today. I had good aides. I got a lot of reading done. Then I got a nice shower. Breakfast wasn’t so hot but I had two good meals. At least I don’t have to go out in this crazy world.    

9:05p.m. I’ve been reading A Calamity of Souls  by David Baldacci. The story is getting very good. I m going to read one more hour tonight then get some sleep















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