Failures Foe, Fears Fellow

“Don’t be afraid to fail, you are already failing because you are afraid”

Most people’s success is limited due to their fear of failure and the constant anxiety/worry for a secured future or successes often hinders their ability to give their best in what they can do now!

Most examples of which are seen in school or work places: An employer is afraid to sign up for a promotion because they may feel inadequate or whatever it is they seem to find a reason not to sign up. Their fear, hindering their application determines their supposedly imagined failure a success!Devastating…

Even with students, I’ve heard students already claim their failures in tests and exams and their anxieties towards that particular tests hinders successful preparations for that test and that ultimately leads to their failure!!!

Do you see what the Fear of Failure has done to you so far? Are you happy with  the results? Some people find comfort in the Fear of Failure as a safe space from disappointments without realizing that it is already a disappointment that they don’t even try to imagine that they may attain whatever it is they want!

Simple tip: Fear Nothing! You have nothing to lose…Fear no one! No one has the Power to give or take anything that belongs to you! Everything you have and everything you will have comes from God, period! And only He has the power to take or take back…so do not fear any man who has no power to do anything about your situation! Not even your boss or that Top achiever in your class! I repeat: No one.

“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”



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