Monday 8/ 19 /24

6:24a.m. I’m up for good. I had a bad coughing spell around midnight.  Other than that I had a good night. I didn’t have any nightmares or weird dreams. I was up for good by 6:00.      

10:01a.m. I had French toast for breakfast. Then a nice aide got me dressed and in my wheelchair by 9:15. She even pushed me to the Fiesta Room for the coffee social. I had one cup of coffee then left for my room. I’m having a good day except I’m coughing a lot. I was also short of breath. I had  hard time pushing myself back but I made it. 

I called Chocolatechip. She just got back from the hospital. She had lab work. They were very nice and professional she said. She had some waffles when she got back . But she has to get to Krogers for more groceries. it is raining in Weirton. Her apartment is leaking she said. That is a bummer I said. We ended our talk when she had  to put a bucket by the window.     

12:28p.m. I went back to the Fiesta for lunch. They served a chicken fillet sandwich, garden pea salad and cinnamon apples. I ate everything but the lead. For dinners they are serving the infamous ham and pinto beans. I made it perfectly clear I wanted the substitute. The substitute is hamburger, broccoli florets, paned dried potatoes, a dinner roll and fudge ribbon cake . I hope I get it. 

I read a few articles in The New York Times  before lunch. They were about Kamala Harris and the Democratic Convention. The more I read about Harris the more I like her one article talked about the policies she wants to implement. I agree with most of what she wants to do as President. So I plan on voting for her in November. 

2:51a.m. I’ve been reading The New York Times. Then I fell asleep. Chocolatechip called and woke me up. We talked for a few minutes. She had a med delivery today. She also talked about daughter Anne and Kathleen going out for lunch Thursday. Chocolatechip didn’t want to invite Elaine. We talked until she had an important call.   

I’m very tired. Also the cough is back. I had a bad coughing spasm during lunch. I think this bug, or whatever it is, is taking a toll. I was tested for COVID the other day. The results were negative. So I don’t know what is wrong . All I know is I feel very weak and tired. 

4:44p.m. I’m in bed now. The aide put me in bed about an hour ago. I’ve been reading The New York Times. I read a couple articles about politics. Im just about finished with the paper. There is one more article I want to read. It is about Benjamin Netanyahu. The headlines said he might of accepted a cease fire with Hamas. 

6:23p.m. I didn’t eat supper. I made a point of asking for the substitute at lunch. I ended up with ham and pinto beans. I ate the dessert and the corn bread. I should be grateful for getting supper. I do like most of the meals they serve. Its  just I cannot stand ham and pinto beans. They make me sick . So I didn’t eat supper. 

I was talking with Chocolatechip. We had a nice long talk. She wanted to know what I’ve been reading. A Calamity of Souls by David Baldacci. I said it was about a Black man being railroaded for a murder. It takes place in Virginia during the late 1960s. He is being defended by a White lawyer. I’m about halfway finished with it.   

Chocolatechip said I must be very smart to be able to read and concentrate on all kinds of books. I’m not all that smart. I barely made it through high school. Twice I flunked out of West Liberty State College. Then I squeaked through a two year technical school, Jefferson Technical College. Even now I have a hard time remembering half the shit I read. But I still keep trying to improve myself I said.     

We also talked about a mutual acquaintance named Norman. Chocolatechip said he was in bad shape when he first moved into Misery Towers. His sister was paying his rent because he had no income. Norman was denied SSI a couple times. He did volunteer work at Goodwill.l she said. I said that was why he got denied. They probably figured if he could volunteer he could find a job. Now we are in the same nursing home I said.

We had a nice talk until she wanted to go to bed at 6:15. Chocolatechip was pretty tired. She had been up since the we hours of the morning. I’m just getting started. I want to stay up and read my book.

8:38p.m. I’ve been reading Calamity of Souls by David Baldacci. I would be having a good night but I’m soaked. The aide said she would change me in a little bit. That was over an hour ago. I’ve been laying in urine since supper. There is no use in getting mad. It is what it is At least I can get lost in a good book.

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