Friday 8/16/24

5:29a.m. I am above the dirt. I had some crazy dreams last night. In think I was involved with a cell in the Irish Republican Army. We were going to kill an important person in the British government I remember seeing bombs in a small car. We were going to bomb his motorcade. But nothing ever happened with that plot. 

I think I’m up for good today. I wanted to get in my wheelchair. But the aide said it was too early. She did change my briefs and put it cream on my sores.          

11:12a.m. I’m mad. I didn’t get my Amazon package. It wasn’t in the office when I checked. The office lady said i was probably in the maintenance because it was delivered after hours. Activities will get it and deliver it to my room. At least this is the latest story. I can’t get a straight answer from these people about anything. I spent almost $40  for that damned speaker. 

Then the coffee was cold this morning. I couldn’t drink it I had a major incontinence the episode while eating breakfast. I was left laying in urine until 10:00. I was also very sore. Chocolatechip had to call the front desk and complain about lack of care. I got help quickly after that. Things are just not going right today.   

1:14p.m. I went to the Fiesta Rooms for lunch. I had two pieces of cheese pizza. In talked to a lady about my package. She made a special effort to get it from maintenance. I wheeleed myself back to my room after I ate. I managed to pair the new speaker to my Kindle and tablet. Then I broke eeeinto my happy dance. It works great. 

I called Chocolatechip and told her the good news. Shee was watching a movie called Ice Castles. She fixed het chili this morning. It was cooking in the crockpot. We talked briefly. She said she will call me after Bible Study.   

I’m doing a lot better. I’m back in business. I can listen to music and my audiobook now. I also had a nice lunch. Then a very nice lady helped me. I didn’t have to throw a shit fit. Life is good.    

2:48p.m. I’ve been reading The New York Times. I read five articles They had some interesting articles about. Kamala Harris. She is giving a speech that outlines  her economic agenda at a rally in Raleigh, NC. She blames the high cost of food on price gouging by big corporations. But economists say inflation, especially on groceries, is more complicated. I enjoyed my reading the newspaper. 

I’m in bed now. I had a nice aide who just put me in bed. She undressed me, cleaned me up and put cream on my sores. I’m doing great now. In fact I’m having a great day.  

6:33p.m. I read all the available articles in the paper. I also talked with Chocolatechip a lot. We talked about different things. I told her about some unsavory experiences while hitchhiking. I also told her about going to Mexico,as place called Nuevo Laredo. I talked about some things I normally don’t like to talk about. But we had a nice chat until they served supper.   

I didn’t have a very good supper. They served BBQ chicken, scalloped y, spinach, and Angel food cake. I ate everything but the spinach.  I would rather of had a bowl of homemade chili. Chocolatechip makes the best chili in the world. 

I read most of the New York Times this afternoon. Tonight I want to read A Calamity of Souls by David Baldacci. Sometimes I wish I had other things I can do here besides read. But most of the time I’m happy with my paper, books and music.      

9:21p.m. I’ve been reading A Calamity of Souls by David Baldacci. This is such a good story. I’m having a good night. But I was without water for a long time. I had the call light on but no answer. I got some attention when I started yelling for help. The aide yelled back. She was giving someone a shower. But I got my water. 



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August 16, 2024

So glad you received your package/speaker!! I was so afraid it had gone ‘missing’.

August 16, 2024

@elkay Thanks , I was worried about that myself