Wednesday 8/14/24

12:39a.m. I was fast asleep when an aide woke me up for a shower. She was nice but she didn’t put cream on my very sore thighs. They were hurting like hell for awhile. Thankfully the pain is slowly diminishing. I’m nice and clean now but I can’t get back to sleep. 

My package from Amazon has been shipped. It will be delivered tomorrow by 10:00p.m. I’m kind of worriered. The office of the facility will be closed by then. I hope nothing happens to it. I’m anxious to get the speaker . I’ll be back to listening to music and audiobooks. So I hope the delivery doesn’t get screwed up.  

I wish I can get to sleep. I could of waited until the morning. But I needed cleaned up. I didn’t know it would be the middle of the night. Now I’m wide awake. Oh well I can read for awhile.    

11:17a.m. I’m not having a very good day. I was up for good by 7:30 when they served breakfast. I was so far down in bed I couldn’t reach my tray. So I didn’t eat breakfast or drink my coffee and orange juice. Then I was laying in urine all morning. Asshole is on duty. He didn’t get me out of bed until a few minutes ago. He didn’t bother to dress me either. 

To make shit worse I didn’t hear from Chocolatechip. I don’t know what is going on with her. I called a few times left messages and got no answer . Did she end up iyn Trinity? Did something bad happen? I don’t know. I’m worried about her.      

1:02p.m. I had a good lunch. They served a tuna melt sandwich, potato wedges and orange sherbert. I ate everything. I talked with Chocolatechip. She did laundry this morning. Then she was talking to Jenn. Both lunch and Chocolatechip made me feel better.     

4:40p.m. I’ve done nothing but sleep in my wheelchair all day. I was very bummed out . I just can’t get along with that male aide I had today. I think he does a shitty job for one reason. For example, I asked to be put in bed and changed around 2:00. He finially got to me by 4:00. I was sitting in urine for two hours. Also, the hoyer pad was was hurting like hell. No wonder I complain all the time. 

I was talking to Chocolatechip about this. I complained and spoke up to the proper authorities until I my balls turned blue. It doesn’t do a damned bit of good. She said she didn’t think I have a defeatist attitude. I think I have a realistic attitude. What is the use of speaking out when nothing ever changes? It is like banging your head against the wall. 

Anyways this was a waisted day. I didn’t read The New York Times.My heart just wasn’t into it. All I wanted to do was sleep.   

6:01p.m. I had roast pork, mashed potatoes and broccoli for supper. It was ok and I ate most of it. BefoRre supper I read an article in the New York Times. The inflation rate is slowing down. All reports indicate the Feds will lower interest rates next month. This is good news for Biden and the Dems.    

Chocolatechip went to bed early. She has an early appointment with her case manager. They are going Walmart shopping tomorrow morning. We talked until 4:30. Then she wanted to get ready for bed.    

I’m going to read the paper tonight. I try not to let a day go by without reading The New York Times.     



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