to update

not sure exactly where i left off but i did quit the union a couple of weeks ago. i’ve gotten a lot of crap from a lot of people about it but i’m pretty secure in my decision and haven’t felt much regret about it, if any. the downsides are pretty clear-i had the potential to make a lot of money with a great pension and benefits. yeah, those were the upsides for getting into it in the first place. unfortunately they remained the only upsides. i didn’t like it, it didn’t like me. it was a bad situation to be in.

my ex-roommate nate, who was one of my best friends for a long time but now i don’t really have any desire to speak to him (long story, maybe i’ve written about this in the past), imed me today on aim about me getting laid off after a few weeks in december with my original contractor. he was working for the electrical contractor at the same jobsite. anyway, i haven’t really talked to him for a long time, i said hi to him a couple times while i was there and he never said anything…well today he sent me a hate IM talking shit about how i got laid off talk some shit now bitch something like that etc…
my response if i made one would be something along the lines of well who is really surprised? he’s always been better with his hands than me. way better. big deal. plus they were laying me off before i even got sent there. so stupid. why’d i even mention this?

well, i ended up pretty much immediately getting a job at papa john’s delivering pizzas which is what i was doing like five years ago when i started this entry. i forgot how much i liked it. i had to quit because i got a DUI. anyway, it’s pretty good money for now although i’m only getting like 30 hours a week so i’ll pretty much have to move back in with my parents. i think i mentioned that before too. we might live here another month, i don’t know. bryan isn’t too happy about the whole thing but i think we’ll both be better off away from each other. i need to learn how to stop being so self-destructive.

i’m supposed to help my dad build me a bedroom in their basement but i haven’t started yet. i’ve been sick all week. tips weren’t that great tonight. this might be my longest entry in like two years who knows?

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January 18, 2008

glad you’re getting back on your feet dude. Hope you feel better! p.s. ah basements…

January 18, 2008

I feel you on the job situation. I’m pretty much in the same boat. I haven’t been in the last two days because just thinking about walking into that office stresses me out. I think only we know what’s best for us. 🙂 And it takes courage to walk away from something like that. We’ll be alright, my friend.