it’s official

i’m quitting my apprenticeship. i just can’t do it. i’m not good with my hands. i don’t have the aptitude for this kind of work. i’ve learned a lot but have been getting poor evaluations and got laid off. i started with a new contractor last week but i realized for sure that i don’t want to be doing this the rest of my life. i’m unhappy and ill suited for it. i’m going to try to get my job back at lowe’s and i’m going to go back to school and i’m going to have to move back in with my parents because i can’t afford to stay here with my new car payments and half the bills in a 3 bedroom house. it really sucks. i need a hug. but i know i’m making the right decision.

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January 2, 2008


January 2, 2008

*hug* You are incredibly smart, so I think you will rock going back to school. Don’t let the stress of all these changes get to you. Most people don’t even fight for their happiness and just settle. You’re not like most people. I’m proud.

January 3, 2008

*HUG!* Dude, man, I’m proud of you. Look what you’ve learned about yourself! That’s HUGE! And the fact that you recognize what you need to do and you’re gonna do it? It may not seem like it now but the future’s lookin pretty bright. Cheers dude. :O)

January 6, 2008

That’s a huge decision to make. Sounds like you are doing the right thing… besides, no one wants to be stuck doing something they don’t particularly like for the rest of their life. I’m proud of you for deciding to go back to school. Good move. đŸ™‚ *hug*

January 17, 2008

virtual late hug! I’m sorry things didn’t work out, and good luck finding something that will work for you!