
well i got a new car on saturday. 2004 pt cruiser. it’s a pretty nice car. a lot of my friends have been like what the hell how do you fit in a car so small when you’re so big but it’s got a lot of interior room. drives really nice. fully loaded. 218 a month for 5 years. i’m not looking forward to the car payment in about a month. i haven’t had one for like 3 years. 🙁

yeah, my truck took it’s final shit on me. the transmission was completely fucked. i’d been thinking about getting a new car for awhile so i finally went ahead and did it. it’s gonna strain my finances a bit but nothing like when i was working at lowe’s.

i bought the new jimmy eat world cd today. it’s pretty rocking. i also bought 2 say anything cds and a postal service single for we were silhouttes. the old pt cruiser has a cd player in it so i’m back in the game.

also got a new cell phone today. the battery on my old one was all jacked up and it was old anyway so i signed a new contract at sprint and got a new phone. it’s a camera phone. i’m so 2005.

anyway just wanted to check in. work’s going ok. 3 day weekends continue to be nice.

maybe i’ll take a picture of myself and put it up here or something.

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What made you decide on a PT Cruiser?

November 2, 2007

Pictures! Yes!

November 2, 2007

ooh, what color is your new car? I may be biased, but it can’t be nearly as pretty as my new car, even though it is newer…. =P I hear you on strained finances. Ugh. Glad life is relatively good, and you got new toys. Enjoy them! =)

November 4, 2007

pic requests: you, car, STAT!

woah- I totally missed this. Congrats on the new car dude!