way out of the loop here

there was a time when you could actually kind of follow what was going on in my life by what i had written in here. there was also a time when i wrote pretty much nothing but manic poetry. but that’s a whole other issue.

so it’s like 2 am and i’ve been watching lost episodes on abc.com and only have the latest episode to watch and then i’m completely caught up. my friend mike got me into lost around thanksgiving and i spent most of my free time for awhile watching seasons 1 and 2. i can never watch it when it’s on because my bowling league interferes with abc’s obviously poor choice of airing lost on wednesday nights. i was talking to mike the other day about it and he’s like, oh yeah just watch ’em online and i wished he would have told me that a couple months ago. but they have all of season 3 on the website and it’s pretty quality stuff. pretty much just like watching tv. and yes i realize that was a fragment. anyway, for all of this talk i’ve heard about season 3 sucking, it doesn’t. it’s freaking solid. i wasn’t a big fan of season 2 as opposed to 1 but it’s fucking addictive to watch.

i got some new shoes. they’ve converse. not chuck taylors. they’re olive and orange and pretty and am pretty happy with my budget buy. zappos.com is awesome.

now is the time where i should be starting testing for the apprenticeship i applied for in december. they should be getting ahold of me shortly. i was pretty nervous about it initially but now i’m kind of excited. i’d start out making a lot more money than i make now.

we are still on a roommate hunt. this chick looked at our house a couple weeks ago and said she wanted the room starting in march but now it appears she’s bailing out with weak email lies. she was supposed to be here on thursday but never showed up. if anyone wants a place to live go ahead and move on up here. or down here.

lowe’s has been going ok. satisfying customers is a good feeling. the girl i wrote about in here that i liked does actually have a boyfriend. they all have boyfriends. so i’m back to the blah world of having no one really to pine over. my brother apparently smoked pot with my aunt judy when they were down in st. louis. who knew? apparently all of my cousins know how to abuse some substances. i haven’t seen them in years.

also, i can’t remember if i work at 1 or 2 tomorrow. i’m vexed. hopefully i’ll start leaving notes in the near future. i miss the open diary community.

and what the hell is a dear john letter?

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February 19, 2007

a dear john letter is a letter a woman writes to her boyfriend/husband, breaking up with him. I think it originated during WWII.