Friday 8/9/24

10:47a.m. I’m above the dirt I’ve calmed myself since yesterday. But boy was I ever mad at the nursing home. I really was in a very bad place. I’m ok now after a dose of self therapy. I was able to get a good night’s sleep with no weird dreams. I was up for good in time for breakfast. I had pancakes and sausage.   

The aides got me out of bed by 10:00. Then Chocolatechip called. She went over her finances. She is setting aside $40 for cab fare in case she needs to go to Trinity. I said that is a good idea . Hopefully that will not happen but it’s good to be prepared. Chocolatechip’s overall situation looks good. She has a CMP appointment this afternoon at 3:00. This is for her Aristrada shot. Once she gets this shot she will be back to her old self. 

We also talked about the gift card situation. I said I’m not going to worry about it. I start obsessing over it and get upset. I waisted a whole day over that shit . That is one day l will never get back. I wanted to change the subject. She agreed. But she said if they had any ounce of decency they would get me a card.    

This is a new day. I’m doing my best to think positive. I want to get back to the paper and my book. Life is too short to be upset all the time.  

12:47p.m. I went to the Fiesta Room for lunch. They served Bruschetta chicken, rice pilaf, cucumber salad and peaches. I ate the chicken and peaches. I talked to the lady who tried to help me yesterday. I thanked her. The latest is I  will get a $50 Amazon gift card Monday. She said they are working on a $100 card. I will believe it when I have it in my big fat hands .  

I made my way back to my room after I ate. I called Chocolatechip. She was getting ready for her appointment. I told her the latest about the gift card. She said don’t get your hopes up. I’m not I said. She asked if I saw Doug. I didn’t see him I said. She talked about mailing in the money for a monthly bus pass. It would save her $9 if she walked to the City Building on.the 1st. I said I like the way you are doing it. We talked about other things then said goodbye. 

I’m feeling very good now. That chicken was delicious. I had two cups of coffee and that worked wonders I want to try and concentrate on this afternoon.

2:04p.m . I fell asleep for awhile. The aide woke me up. She put me in bed and cleaned me up. I was soaked so I’m glad to be in bed. I haven’t read the paper yet. I think I’m taking a break from the news.   

3:27p.m. Ok, I read several articles from the New York Times. I just can’t stay away from it. I’m feeling very content thanks to reading therapy. I love to keep up with the news and the New York Times is the best paper in the world.

6:24p.m. I had fish, potatoes, broccoli florets and vanilla cream for supper. I wasn’t very hungry or I didn’t like it. I only ate the fish and potatoes. I talked with Chocolatechip after I ate. She wasn’t in a very good mood. In fact all she did was complain. I thought she was going down the tubes again.

Chocolatechip talked about her doctor’s appointment. She got her Aristrada shot. The next injection is four weeks away. It sounded like she’s didn’t have a good experience. I said you are just another patient to Erica. Then she felt paranoid while waiting for her ride. They were all down at the gazebo area. Chocolatechip felt they were talking about her. I said I could understand how you feel.

She also talked about going to Bible study. I said I’m glad you went. Somebody brought up the subject of purgatory. I said that is a Catholic belief. I read the Bible. I still don’t know much about it but I do not remember anything in the Bible about purgatory. Chocolatechip didn’t have much to say about my comment on purgatory. I don’t think she had a good time at Bible study.

I hope she doesn’t get depressed like the last time. I mentioned this to her. She said she wasn’t depressed just tired and mad. Chocolatechip didn’t say why she was mad. She did say her entire day was rapped around going to the doctor. I said that’s what it is like when you take it one day at a time. We talked until 6:15 then she went to bed.

I was also browsing for headphones on Amazon I was looking at that one Bluetooth headphone from Anker Sound Core. The total cost is $60.99. If I get a $100 Amazon gift card Monday I will buy it. If I will get a $50 one I’ll get the speaker for $50. It is what I’m familiar with and I like to stick with what I know. But I don’t know if I’m getting a gift card. I’m already spending it.

But I am not obsessing about those stupid gift cards. I have better things to do. I want to read and talk to Chocolatechip. That is what’s important. I was telling Chocolatechip that being with you were the happiest years of my life.

8:59p.m. I’ve been reading The Edge by David Baldacci. That book is a great mystery. So I’m having a good night.









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