Friday 8/2/24

11:17a.m. I’m mad because I’m drenched and still in bed. They were having ice cream sandwiches in the Fiesta Room. I didn’t get to go because the aides didn’t get me up. Also, they will not answer the call light. I will not get help until after lunch. Also, I’m out of water and my mouth is a sand box. I’m not having a good day. 

It started out good. I slept well. I had biscuits and gravy for breakfast. Then it went downhill. I had a bad incontinence episode, several in fact. So I’ve been laying in urine all morning. This is not good at all.    

At least I’ll be getting a good lunch.They are serving corn chowder, fish sandwiches, potato wedges, and something called Campfire Blondie. At least the food is good.    

5:30p.m. I slept in my wheelchair almost all afternoon. I still feel like shit. I’ve been dealing with this bug going on two weeks. The nursing home isn’t doing a damned thing.  They haven’t told me what I have other than a bad cough.Cough my ass!     

I am waiting for supper. They are serving meatloaf, carrots, Lyonnaise potatoes, a dinner roll and mixed fruit. I don’t have much of an appetite so I might skip dinner. All I want to do is sleep. 

6:33p.m.  I managed to eat my supper. It was good and I feel a bit better. I talked with Chocolatechip. She was telling me about Bible study.  She spoke up about how people have such shitty attitudes about Misery Towers. She said people should be grateful for having a roof over their heads, running water and utilities. She was also gratefulness for George in making an effort to clean it up. I’m glad she spoke up.  

 We also talked about the moochers. She said she is not answering her door anymore. I said you have a lot of end of the month friends. They are out of food , cigarettes and everything else. Then when the first and third come it is bye bye. She said she is tired of getting ripped off by people. I think she means it this time.  

I talked about my bug. I said this has been going on for two weeks. I’m not confident about the prognosis. I said I felt worse today than when I first got this. She is very worried about me. I said I’m worried about myself. We both agree I should of been sent to the hospital  And we don’t understand why they are not doing anything. I’m not even on cough syrup anymore. 

I’m going to try and read The Edge by David Baldacci tonight. I haven’t felt like doing anything today but sleep. Perhaps dinner and coffee will perk me up so I can read a couple hours. 

8:14p.m. I’m in bed. Aide just put me in bed and changed my briefs. This was the first time I’ve been changed since they got me up. Needless to say I was soaked to the gills.   

This was a very bad day. I only hope tomorrow will be better. But I’m losing any kind of hope that things will get better.  















mixed fruit


















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August 2, 2024

Dang!  I’m sorry you aren’t receiving good care.  I’m also sorry you missed being with the others during the ice cream sandwich time in the Fiesta Room.  I sincerely hope your day improves.

August 2, 2024

I’ve worked in nursing homes in the past, and even at the worst one I ever worked at (that was eventually shut down by the state) we still went room to room with special treats if the residents could not make it to the event. It just bothers me so much that you cannot attend and that the aides are preventing you from attending. Is there an activities director that leads the events in the Fiesta Room? If so, maybe you could let her know ahead of time that you want to attend the event, and she could pull some strings to get you there.