Wednesday 7/31/24

11:23 a.m. Sleep was intermittent thanks to weird dreams. I was up for good by 7:00. I drank my coffee and ok but didn’t feel up for breakfast. Then I had a massive incontinence episode. I laid in urine until Asshole got me out of bed at 10:00. He was nice and put cream on my sores. I was also coughing a lot. I was coughing my fool head off for the longest time. I’m ok now but still feel very tired. 

I talked with Chocolatechip. She is doing fine. She did a couple loads of laundry then the usual household chores. We talked about the caregiver who never showed. She said I’m just going to tell them I don’t want one. I said you do not need a caregiver. They are. more trouble than what they were worth. She also talked about yesterday’s meeting. She said morale in the building sucks. People should be happy to have a roof over their heads. I was too busy coughing to say much.      

I fell asleep after talking with Chocolatechip. I slept for about an hour. I still feel very tired. But I looked at the New York Times headlines. I saw where a top Hezbollah leader was assanated in Iran. Iran is blaming Israel and a wider conflict is feared I’ll have to read the article after lunch.   

I’m having pepperoni pizza, cucumber salad and cookies for lunch. I’m  kind of hungry because I didn’t eat breakfast.    

1:19p.m. I ate my lunch except for the salad.  Two big slices of pizza were enough. I read that one article about the Hezbollah leader that was killed. His name was Ismail Hamiyeh Also, there was a strike last Tuesday in Lebanon. Another Hezbollah leader was targeted. I think his name was Faud Shukr. I’m not sure if they got him or not. It wouldn’t surprise me if a full blown war develops.     

I feel kind of run down and depressed. I’m not coughing as much. But this has been going on for ten days. I’m sick and tired of dealing with this shit. In the back of my mind I wonder if I’ll ever get over this bug. It has been killing me. I dunno. Just do not know.    

6:54p.m. I ate two pieces of fish, potatoes and jello for supper. It was ok. Chocolatechip called on her cell. Her Comcast is out. We talked for a few minutes then supper came. She said she will call at six but she never did. I read more of the paper after I ate. A lot of good articles were in the paper today. 

I think I might survive after all. I haven’t been coughing like I have been. I also don’t feel as tired and weak. But I’ve been sleeping a lot and that might be account for it. Still, I think I might be turning the corner. 

7:45p.m. I’m in bed. The aide was very nice and professional. She got me undressed, cleaned me up, put cream on my butt and changed my briefs. It makes all the difference when the aides arek nice.  

I miss Chocolatechip though. Her phone, cable and internet are down. But she could of called on her cell. Talking to her before she goes to bed is part of my day daily routine. Besides it’s nice to have somebody to say goodnight to at the end of the day. I don’t feel so frigging alone.    

9:18p.m. for I made a mistake earlier. Ismail Hamiyeh was a Hamas leader. I was reading updates about the story. Also Faud Shukr was a Hezbollah leader. Both were apparently killed by Israeli forces. forces.Hamiyeh by the an assassin Shukr by air strikes. I bet there will be hell to pay. 







































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