Monday 7/29/24

10:16a.m. I’m so sick of being sick and tired. I woke up today feeli,ng like death warmed over. I was coughing my fool head off. I felt very congested and I couldn’t breathe. I was peeing non stop. Then I had French toast for breakfast that gave me heartburn.   

I was laying in urine until Asshole, the male aide, got me out of bed. He didn’t wipe my butt or put cream on my sores. He just changed my briefs then got me dressed and in my wheelchair. I went to the nurse’s station for some Mylanta but couldn’t find my nurse. Fortunately the heartburn subsided. 

I’m in a very shitty mood. I feel like shit. I’m sitting in urine now. I’ve already been changed so I’ll be wet all damned day. I don’t understand why the nursing home isn’t doing more for this cough. It is more than a damned cough! I had this shit for over a week now. This is the main reason why I’m so fucking miserable.

Chocolatechip called. She went to Krogers for groceries. She had a lousy night as well. Her CPAP machine isn’t working right. It makes a loud noise at night when that keeps her awake. But that doesn’t stop her. God bless her heart!          

2:28p.m.I’m not coughing as much. I’ve been sleeping in my wheelchair since lunch. I was supposed to see the nurse practitioner today. She didn’t stop in. I should know bullshit when I smell it. I’m convinced the nursing home is playing down this bug. Cough my ass. This is more than a cough. 

I am drenched with pee. I’ve been waiting for the Asshole aide to change me and put me in bed.  There is no use in turning on the call light. He will only say “in a minute” I swear I’d like to choke someone if I hear that one more time. 

I haven’t read the paper today. I don’t feel up to it. I don’t feel up to anything.    

4:42p.m. I am in bed now. I almost feel better. Asshole was nice. He cleaned me up and put cream on my sore butt. He even got a pitcher of ice water for me. I’m just glad I’m    in bed and off the hoyer pad. Now maybe I can concentrate on the paper.    

6:25p.m. Supper was a shitty end to a shitty day. I had ham and pinto beans, corn bread, greeni beans and a chocolate brownie. I ate everything but the green beans. Supper sucked. I hate ham and pinto beans. 

I looked at the headlines. I saw where Biden wants to overall the Supreme Court. I’ll have to read them article tonight At first glance I don’t think this is a good idea. Supreme Court is supposed to be an independent branch of the federal government. Messing with it might make things even worse for liberal progressives or conservatives. It will depend on who is in power at any given time. But what do I know? 

I talked with Chocolatechip after I ate. She was telling me about her shitty day at Krogers. It was extremely hot out this morning. Chocolatechip finished her shopping and was waiting for the bus. She almost had a bad case of heat exhaustion. She might of passed out from the heat but the bus pulled up just in time. She spent the rest of the day in her air conditioned apartment drinking lots of water. She said she is ok now but she had all the symptoms of a heat stroke. 

I’m doing much better after being in bed. I had something to eat even if it was shitty. The coughing has died down. But I still have a runny nose and my chest is congested. I told this to Chocolatechip while we were talking. I also said the nurse practitioner never showed . We both agreed that was bullshit empty promised. We can’t understand why the nursing home isn’t doing anything about this. 

Also, Chocolatechip’s caregiver is starting tomorrow. She was a bit worried home that would play out. The caregiver is from WV Choice so I have my misgivings. I didn’t say that though. I did say I hope it works out. She works four hours Tuesday, Wednesday and then Thursday. Chocolatechip asked me not to call at that time so I won’t call.   

Going to read the paper now.     

8:22p.m. I had one bad coughing spell while reading the paper. But on the whole I’m doing much better. I got lost in politics and the national news. I read five or six articles. I read about about Biden’s plans for the Supreme Court. Some of them might seem like a good idea. I remember one proposal that would do away with the life term. It would be replaced with an 18 year term limit. Then judges would have to sign a strict and enforceable code of ethics. These seem like mild changes to me but they don’t have a chance in hell of passing.   

I love reading the New York Times. It is very therapeutic for me. I started feeling better physically and emotionally. Once again a million thanks for this gift 







ut five 

























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July 29, 2024

I pray you feel better soon!

July 29, 2024

Feel better, Bear. I’ve had some coughing as well. Maybe something going around?


July 29, 2024

I sure hope whatever it is that is ailing you clears up soon, you sound absolutely miserable.