Wednesday 7/24/24

12:14a.m. I feel better. I finially got a a shower around 10:30. It was an ordeal. The process took an hour. But she got me in bed, put cream on my sores then changed my briefs. I’m ok now but I was really pissed because of no care. What a Goddamned way to send my old age. 

I’m slowly getting over the cold or whatever I had. I don’t feel tired or weak. I’m not coughing ad much. I actually got cought up on the news. I read the New York Times. I read a lot of articles about Kamala Harris. I think she is going to give Trump a good fight. Reading the Times relaxed me and put me in a better mood. 

I also listened to my audiobook Vietnam: A History by Stanley Karnow. I’m on an interesting chapter about how LBJ “Americanized” the war. Then I had to stop because they came to give me a shower. 

I should be asleep by now. I’m kind of wound up for the night. I hope I. Not going to pull an all nighter. I’m too old for that shit. I’ll listen to my book for awhile then try to sleep.   

1:13a.m. The damned roommate was yelling “Turn it down!” I had the speaker down to the lowest possible level. So I turned it off and my Kindle. I’m wide awake but can’t listen to my audiobook. It is late but my roommate makes more noise with his yelling all the time. That gets on my nerves.    

I was listening about the so called Gulf of Tonkin incident. It was fascinating history.but I’ll have to wait until morning Damm.     

8:12a.m. I’m above the dirt. I got about five hours sleep. I had se nice sex dreams for a change. I woke up feeling rested. I had toast and scrambled eggs for breakfast. I called Chocolatechip a couple of times but no answer. I hope she is ok.   

I think I’m over this cold or whatever it was. I am still coughing up white mucus. I’m not experiencing other symptoms. Sometimes a cold runs its course. At least I hope I’m getting better.  

I’m a bit worried about Chocolatechip. She called around midnight. She has been having trouble sleeping lately. Usually she goes to sleep around 6:30 and wakes up early. But her sleep patterns have been intermittent lately. Chocolatechip said she she was up until 1:00 last night. Then I think her mood is sliding downhill again. She sounded so depressed on the phone. I just hope she will be ok.   

9:33a.m. My roommate just took my wheelchair. Also , I’ve been laying in urine since breakfast. I am so fucking tired of this shit. I laid in piss all night. Now I’ll be laying in piss all morning. I’m so fucking mad and frustrated. I can’t take it anymore.       

10:45a.m. I’m dressed and in my wheelchair. I feel like I been through WWII. I am having a hell of a day. The sores on my butt and thighs are hurting like hell. I feel like I had to battle with the fucking aides just to get basic care. I am drained physically and emotionally. This is going to be a fucked up day.    

To to everything off I think Chocolatechip is headed for Trinity or Northwood. I talked with her about an hour ago. Her anxiety was through the roof. She was worried about everything. She also sounded so depressed. We didn’t talk to long. She was expecting a call from CMP any minute. I hope to God she will be ok.Chocolatechip is all I have.   

1:06a.m. I’m feeling better. I had a tuna salad sandwich, potato wedges and a cup of orange sherbert. It was ok. The sherbert went down good. I talked with Chocolatechip. She was doing better. She was busy with housework and laundry. She talked with CMP. I don’t think they were much of a help. They told Chocolatechip to go to Trinity if things get worse. She definitely doesn’t want to end up in that place.

That is one thing then there is another.  Chocolatechip has a severe case of sleep apnea. She uses a CPAP machine. Her machine is breaking down. Chocolatechip just found out that they will have to send it to the shop for repairs. Of course she will have to pay for it. Then they will rent het a machine for $70 a month. She will have to pay for that as well. She had an appointment with her doctor tomorrow. The doc might order another sleep study. We will see what develops. My problems are minor compared to hers.

I’m having one other problem. My Bluetooth speaker does  it seem to be charging. I have been trying to charge it up all morning. The battery remains at 40% capacity.i hope that sucker isn’t broken. I don’t think I can afford a replacement.

3:12p.m. I am doing much better than I was this morning. I’ve been reading the New York Times.  They had a lot of good things to say about Kamala Harris. She already had my vote. I just hope she can beat Trump in November.       

4:26p.m. I am in bed. I’m glad because I was sitting in feces all afternoon. What is the purpose of a call light when the aides don’t respond? So I just sat in my shit. The New York Times helped me forget my misery. I’ve been reading it all afternoon. I sure do love that newspaper. I think it is the best in the world.

I’m slowly but surely recovering from my cold. I am drinking lots of fluids. That’s easing up the chess congestion. I’m coughing less and less. I thing I’m feeling stronger and less tired. In that respects this was a good day.

My roommate is yelling again. He is yelling for a pain pill. It was almost constant since he got back. This bothers the hell out of me. I can’t play my audiobooks because they make too much noise. But he makes more noise than the books with his yelling.  I tried getting along with him but he is getting on my nerves. Aides just told him to shut up.good for them I say.

6:10p.m. I had roast pork and mashed potatoes with gravy, broccoli florets and sliced pears for supper. It was pretty good. I talked with Chocolatechip before supper. Misery Towers is having bingo tonight. She is going to go. I said I’m glad you’re going. Just try not to sit close to anyone for fear of getting bed bugs. She said price of bingo is now $5. Everything is going up. We talked for a few minutes then she had to get ready.

I intend to listen to my audiobook Vietnam: A History by Stanley Karnow. My roommate can go fuck himself. But I will do my best to keep it low.

9:04p.m. I have been listening to my audiobook Vietnam: A History by Stanley Karnow.This is an excellent account of the decisions that lead to our involvement in that conflict. Contrary to popular opinion Johnson was hesitant and showed l restraint, at first. But the situation was getting worse and worse. It was viewed that losing Vietnam would cause all Southeast Asia to fall So Johnson became convinced he had no choice but to escalate the conflict. This is an excellent book that describes the war from both sides. I will give this one dream a five star rating.

I should of been having an excellent evening except for one problem. I was laying in feces and urine since supper. I rang the call light but got the same old response, “gimme a minute.” The aide didn’t come back until 8:30. So it was something like two hours. I just laid in my filth and got lost in the Vietnam War.

Chocolatechip called soon after the aide left. She had a good time at bingo. She won six times and got some much needed household supplies as prizes Chocolatechip said she made out on the deal. She also sat with Carol so she wasn’t by herself. I said I’m glad you went and had a great good time. We talked for a few minutes then she went to bed.

Well im going back to my book. Life is good.

































































































































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July 24, 2024

Why do people even work (or so called work!) in nursing homes if they can’t even help someone out?? What’s the point? I guess it’s the same thing in Canada… but honestly. I thank God every day that my roomie is a great person. 🙂 She hardly bitches … and I wonder what is up with Chocolatechip?? Hm…