Saturday 7/13/24

9:45a.m. I had a good night . I was up for good by breakfast. Breakfast consisted of scrambled eggs, cold hash browns and a coffee cake. At least the coffee was hot. I had an aide who got  e up around nine. She was a bit rough. But she got me dressed and in my wheelchair by 9:00. After that I made my way to the coffee social.   

I am a bit disappointed with this NYT subscription. I thought I would be getting the paper. Instead I’m getting news letters in !y email account. I have not received them yet I dunno. I’m going get the real electronic paper from Barnes and Noble. Its only $19.99 a month. But I’ll have to wait until August. I should of known $50 for the first year was too good to be true. I’m so sorry.  

I talked with Chocolatechip before breakfast. She had a bad night. Chocolatechip said she didn’t fall asleep until midnight. Too much shit was on her mind. She went to the gazebo for a smoke before going to bed. She started talking with people and that was too much stimulation she said. We talked for  a few minutes then she had to go. 

I’m having a good morning so far. I got a good night’s sleep. Breakfast was good. I’m not in any pain. Life is good.

3:26p.m. I had a very shitty afternoon. I had a massive incontinence episode at lunchtime. I was sitting in urine for over three hours. It started to dry on my skin. I began feeling a burning sensation on my thighs. All this made me very pissed, depressed and anxious. 

I was really miserable  by the time the aide answered my call light. She said she will be back in ten minutes. I started screaming for help after an hour. I got yelled at for making too much noise. Finially the stinking aide came to help . Again she was rough but she got me in bed by 3:30.

Then I had to another problem. My Kindle Paperwhite wasn’t charging . I messed around with my Kindle. I have three or four cords and tried them all. I finially found one that would work. The aide plugged it in for me because I couldn’t reach the wall sockets. I was so relieved my Kindle wasn’t broken. I’d be lost without my books.   

The only good thing about this afternoon was lunch. They served two turkey and cheese sandwiches, pasta salad and ate everything but the pasta salad At least the food is good in this place.    

4:46 I defused for awhile. I’m starting to like this electronic version of the Times. I got my first email edition this afternoon. I read a couple news stories about the 2024 race. One was about President Biden campaigning in Detroit, Michigan. The Democratic governor, Senators and congresswoman were absent. But he gave a good performance and the crowd of 2000 were very supportive. Still I think Biden has a tough job ahead of him if he wants to stay the course.   

I also read an article about Trump. He hasn’t yet picked his running mate. The article said Trump has a history of postponing tough decisions He did not pick Mike Pence until two days before the Republican convention. Based upon what I read in the article I think it will boil down to two contenders and s: Marco Rubio of Florida and J.D. Vance of Ohio. Both have good and bad points. I think Rubio will get picked.        

9:40p.m. I’ve been reading in the NYT about the attempted assination of Trump. I think it is terrible this could happen in our country. I’m glad he is safe and not suffering any serious damage. Already social media sites are being drowned with disinformation and false claims of a government plot. I remember reading where one Congressman claimed Biden ordered a hit. It is all bullshit of course but there are some. nutcases out there who would believe anything.   

We should all unit and condemn this type of violence We should pray for Trump and his family. But more we should pray for the sanity of America.    

This incident is too close to home. Butler, Pa is relatively close to Follansbee. It kind of scares me that something like this can happen in my back yard. It only goes to shi ow that nobody is safe anywhere.

I have also been reading Camino Ghosts. I read a couple chapters in that book. The story is getting juicy. I should be finished with it by Monday. I’m not sure what is next on the list..





















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