Thursday 7/11/24

9:28 a.m. I had another bad night thanks to nightmares. I had this one dream about a mother who dressed her son as a girl. It was really weird. I was up for good by 6:30. I talked with Chocolatechip . Then they served breakfast. I had ham and scrambled eggs. It was pretty good today and the coffee was hot. 

The aides got me dressed and in my wheelchair after breakfast. I had the nice one today. Right after I was in my wheelchair Lynn came for me. I did the usual workout with my hands and arms. But this time I did three sets of thirty with the hand grips. Then I did two sets of twenty with the flex bar. It was a good workout. I asked how much longer. Lynn said I’ll be done next week. I said I’ll miss coming down here. I love those ladies.

Lynn took me to the Fiesta Room when we were finished. I had my second cup already. I could use a third today. Like I said I didn’t have a very good night.

Well, I’m up and above the dirt.

11:38a.m. I slept in my wheelchair almost all morning. I woke up around 11:00 when Chocolatechip called. She just got back from Walmart. She had a good trip. She bought a lot of groceries and still have money left over. I said I’m glad you have food. We talked for thirty minutes. Then I made my way to the Fiesta Room for lunch.

I’m having a BBQ cheeseburger, French fries and pineapple tidbits for lunch. I can’t wait because I’m kind of hungry. I’m sitting next to Doug. Everything is cool.

1:18p.m.I ate two BBQ cheeseburgers and dessert for lunch. That was enough. I made my way back to my room. I stopped at the business office. I asked the lady about the NYT subscription. She will ask her boss. It just might be doable. They have to figure out a way to pay for it. I hope everything works out.

I called Chocolatechip when I got back to my room. She asked if I’m getting used to sitting with him. I said I wish he would sit somewhere else. She said I always was a loner.i said true but of all people to have lunch with I end up with your ex. She said isn’t that something.

Chocolatechip said she called the library. She renewed Love Story. She also asked if they have a Dr Phil book called Life Code. They will get it through inter library loan. They checked and they have other Dr Phil books. Chocolatechip said the lady she talked with on the phone was a bit snooty. I said she is probably like that with everyone. I also said they were very nice with me.

I told Chocolatechip about the New York Times. It would be great if I can get that paper again.But I’m not holding my breath. I said I love reading the Times. Chocolatechip said I hope you get it. We had a nice talk for thirty minutes then she had to take her meds.

5:17p.m. I slept in my wheelchair almost all afrnoon. I woke up around 3:00. I began thinking about Doug. I made yet another decision. I am not going to the Fiesta Room for lunch anymore . It is hard to explain.  I didn’t like how he acted when Chocolatechip came for a visit. He didn’t want anything to do with her. But at the same time he is trying to make friends with me. I think he is trying to turn me against Chocolatechip. I don’t know what his game is but I’m not playing. I think it is best I just stay in my room for lunch.

I talked with Chocolatechip about this. I said I do not want to be friends with him. I never did   trust or like him. I never liked how he treated you when you were married. I said I still think he is trying to torment you. She agreed. I also said I don’t know how you put up with him for ten years. I’m tired of his ass already. She got a laugh out of that.

I just hadn’t!y supper. They served chicken piccata,rice pilaf , green beans and a blueberry bar. It was pretty good.

6:27p.m. I talked with Chocolatechip after I ate. The first thing she said was I don’t expect you to stay in your room all the time. I promised her I won’t. I will go to the coffee social. I keep saying this but I will go to the exercise class. I can also go to the Coral Room to read it and listen to music. I just don’t want to be around Doug. But I did promise her I’ll get out of my room

Chocolatechip also talked about her family. She thinks her sisters Elaine and Kathleen wrote her off. They seem to be chummy now and Chocolatechip is left out in the cold. Elaine’s top priority now is Cleve. I said I hate to say this but your family is fucked up. So is mine I also said. Then I said I will never write you off.

She had been up since 3:00a.m. Chocolatechip was pretty tired but we talked for half an hour. We talked about a lot of different things. We had the local news on. We talked about the pending heat wave that’s going to start Friday. Then they were talking about Biden’s press conference. We were talking about how there is a growing movement amongst the Democrats to dump him. I said Biden is the only chance we have of beating Trump. It was wonderful talking with her but she was tired and wanted to go to bed.

I haven’t read yet. I intend to stay up and read my book Camino Ghosts by John Grisham. I wanted to read this afternoon but was just too damned  damned tired. Like I said I slept most of the day away. So night time is my best time for reading. I’ll probably stay up late reading since I slept during the day. Life is good.

8:42p.m. I’ve been reading Camino Ghosts . It is a good story. I’m halfway through it. Tidal Breeze is the name of the corporation trying to steel Dark Isle from Lovely Jackson . They offered her a settlement of a half milliohm dollars. She refused.  Her lawyer, Steve Mahon supports her decision. He is an environment lawyer who wants to save Dark Isle and ultimately Camino Island from development.   

Also Mercer Mann is colaborating on a book with Lovely Jackson. Mercer just signed a contract with Viking Press for $250k. Lovely I can gets 25% . She has many questions for the eighty year old black woman. There is much oral history concerning the island. Some of it pretty gruesome. 


























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July 12, 2024

Who knew there was so much drama where you are? I have a longing for barbecued cheeseburgers – is that a W.V. thing that I should look out for when I’m down there the week after next?