
Yesterday Kat’s mom sent me the following picture:

Here we have the latest ultrasound of the new baby. Not much to look at, but according to the person who was conducting the test, everything looks normal. Well, as normal as it can look at this stage. And I did ask; they couldn’t tell what the gender is so far. At this point whether it’s a boy or a girl doesn’t matter… as all mom and I want is a child that is healthy and happy.

Now I know what some of you are thinking… why wasn’t I at the ultrasound myself? Well, currently mom is in the “This is all your fault, I hate you!” phase of the pregnancy. I’ve experienced this many times before, and you just give her a little space and ride things out. It’s like waves crashing on the beach. Some are small, and then some are friggin’ tsunamis. I’m just going with the flow and did go by her hints/request.

Back to the subject at hand… and based on the ultrasound she just took, the due date has been estimated as January 13th, 2025. That is a little over 6 months from now, and trust me that time will fly. Kat’s mom also has a history of never making it ot the due date… so I’m assuming she will hatch early again this time too. How early you ask? There is a very good chance that this could still be a December baby, so that early.

Mom made things public on social media this week, so I have no issues posting these pics here. We told the kids about a month ago, and while Ethan was a little surprised he’s not a little excited. Katherine is also excited and she’s been begging for a new brother but it won’t be the end of the world if it’s another girl.

Mom and I have been going over name ideas, and so far the names that mom likes the most (at the moment) is Owen for a boy, and Aurora for a girl. This of course could change a million times over the next six months, but those are the names she’s currently smitten with. I suggested Willem for a boy, and Meredith for a girl… but both were shot down rather quickly. When I post the next update, I will let you know what the current favorites for names are then too.

So that’s it for now… you’re up to speed on the news regarding the baby.

I hope everyone’s having a good summer, and I’ll post again soon!


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July 11, 2024

Congrats! How exciting.

August 13, 2024
