The servants gone to a different planet

So, unsurprisingly, we have a new Government and by a considerable margin.  More on the election in another entry.

Saturday, there was the first Big Arts Festival in Stockton.  Being completely honest, it was a bit shit.  A few bits of street art and a couple of small art fairs.  Barely worth the walk.

However, in Middlesbrough, there were dinosaurs!

Pics from Saturday (and one from Sunday):

This Sunday, I’m going to an art car boot sale in Gateshead. 

I need a new telly.  Mine is seriously playing up, it keeps opening apps completely randomly.

I’ve been enjoying the tennis.  I haven’t been enjoying the football.


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July 10, 2024

You just can’t go wrong with plastic dinosaurs. I took my kids to Blackpool Zoo last month and two of them said that the plastic dinosaurs were the best part!