Friday 7/5/24

10:05a.m. I had the mother of all nightmares last might. I was dreaming that dinosors  came back. They were controlled by space aliens. The aliens were directing the dinosaurs to attack and eat people. Humans were being slaughtered by these monsters. I don’t remember too much except they were walking around in looking for people to eat. This I was something out of a Stephen King story. 

I didn’t read last night. I had a bad and painful case of heartburn. It lasted most of the night. Fortunately I fell asleep early. Chocolatechip called around eleven . She couldn’t sleep and was very upset. We talked a few minutes about shit going on in Misery Towers and with her family. After we finished I went back to s troubled sleep.   

I was up for good by 7:00. They served a breakfast of biscuits and gravy. It was ok. Then the aides got me up in time for the coffee social. I made my way to the Fiesta Room.  It didn’t go very well. I had one cup of coffee and went back to my room.   

I didn’t want to go but Lynn took me to physical therapy. My heart want in it but I did the usual arm and and hand exercises. I worked with the hand grips and the flex bar. I did two sets of thirty with each on both arms. Then  I moved my arm up and down thirty times. We were finished and Lynn took me back to my room. 

 Chocolatechip called. She is back to her old self. She was doing two loads of laundry. We had a nice but brief talk. Then I went back to writing.  

1:40p.m. I had two big slices of cheese pizza for lunch. They were delicious. I talked with Chocolatechip after I ate. She finished her laundry in time for NBC News Daily. We talked a bit about politics. I think Biden is going to be forced to step down from the rest race I said. That’s about all CNN ben talking about. We also talked talked about our shitty families. I said Elaine made a dig. She said she was going to see Cleve in Tennessee . She agreed with me on that one. 

I feel much better after a good lunch. Best part about it is the hoyer pad isn’t hurting as bad. Also lunch and a hot cup of coffee put me in a great mood. I can get back to You Like it Darker . Life is good.g

4:26p.m. I just finished “Rattlesnakes.” It had a very weird ending but a good one. Next up in You Like it Darker is ” The Dreamers.”  I hope to read this story tonight.  Then “The Answer Man” tomorrow. ” Then I’ll start on Camino Ghosts by John Grisham. I can’t wait to get started on this one.

5:49p.m. They served BBQ chicken, mashed potatoes, spinach,a dinner roll and Angel food cake for supper. I wasn’t very hungry. I ate the cake and the chicken. The potatoes were cold and runny. I hate spinach.

I had a nice talk with Chocolatechip before supper. I told her about being paranoid while at the coffee social. I will bring that up with the psych doctor when I see her. If this keeps up they might have to adjust my meds. I also said this is not keeping me from going to the coffee social . I’m also going to start eating lunch in the Fiesta Room.

I wanted to talk about the story I just finished reading. ” Rattlesnakes” was a good old fashioned ghost story. But it was involved with a lot of plot twists. I didn’t know how to keep it simple. Besides Chocolatechip isn’t into Stephen King like I am. I did say the man is over 70 and he is still belting out best sellers. He is a master story teller.

I can’t wait to get started on the next two stories. I want to finish this book but I hate to see it end. I enjoyed the stories that much. I will certainly give this book a five star rating.

I have also been book browsing. I hope the nursing home will plan a Walmart shopping trip next month. I should be able to get a $100 Amazon gift card in August. I have a list of books I want to buy. Here they are:

  1. Shiloh by Shelby Foote.    $12.99
  2. Just After Sunset by Stephen King  $9.99
  3. The Tailor of Panama by John le Carre’ $4.99
  4. Silverview by John le Carre’.                     $13.99
  5. The Honorable Schoolboy by John le Carre’ $13.99.
  6. Agent Running in the Field by John le Carre’. $4.99
  7. The Lord’s of Discipline by Pat Conroy.             $11.99
  8. Beach Music by Pat Conroy                                   $ 14.99
  9. The Great Santini by Pat Conroy.                          $11.99.
  10. Battles and Leaders of the Civil War.                    $2.99.

I think the cost of these books comes to $94.90. Its expensive but I’m addicted to books. I can’t get enough.

8:23p.m. I’ve been reading “The Dreamers.” It is about a Vietnam vet who becomes a stenographer for a “Gentleman Scientis.” The so called scientist is mad. He conducts dream experiments. He thinks about his findings will change the world. It is starting out slow but it is going to get interesting soon.


















































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July 5, 2024

That’s great that you are going to eat your lunch in the Fiesta Room!  Getting out of your room from time to time is a good thing.  So glad things are good with Chocolatechip again.