20 years!

That is how many years since I was in High School. What do I have to show for it? Well, I could run myself down about how I don’t have…

Belal Bold Bold

Bold Style Okay I have a job and BH for that, but it is a job that I really dislike and the money I earn doesn’t help me meet my expenses and then some extra to create a savings and I feel so useless…

Like they are always advertising for new people, and I am all for employing people especially with the high rate of unemployment in this country, but why won’t they just build on my knowledge and pay me more? And like there are 2 other people who kinda do exactly what I do…well their role is supposed to be them doing what I do and a lil more because they work in the office were the COO is, but they are always passing on stuff to me that I don’t mind doing, I actually love doing but get told that they must do are they get asked to do first so just waste time by passing it on tome…and now there is a new girl who started whose job was to be all Social Media/Marketing but after I came back from a few days of leave she is now doing my job…but she asks me to start off the work for her…

Yesterday when I came back from my leave I saw in my emails and in our work program so much stuff that was left hanging for me to come back to do…. some things were dated last week Friday, so clients were left hanging for 4 days! I got to it all pretty quickly but immediately went home to look into an agency to see me and maybe get me another job…so in the past week I have reached out to 2 agencies and have yet to hear from either of them.

Robin Robins - In preparation for our upcoming Boot Camp...

Bold Style

Okay so I can go on and on and on and on about the shit in my life… I mean of course with a High School Reunion pending and after browsing through other’s social media profiles and seen how ‘full’ their lives have been…or at least have made them to seem I would feel pretty down thinking about what I have to show when I catch up with people I used to spend pretty much every day of 5 years of my life with.

Bold Squad I am alive! 19 years ago, was nearly the end for me…but I am still here, and I have gone through trials and tribulations, and I have come out victorious!

And again, I am going to make the same old promise to myself…it’s gotta stick at some point, right??

Bold Comic

Bold Marker

Bold Groovy



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