אני קושית יפה/I’m a Cute Black Girl Pg 95

Whisper SquadWhisper SquadWhisper Squad Whisper Squad Whisper Squad Whisper Squad

Now I don’t know if this is because the October 7th-we remember today ... is everywhere and I am so invested in keeping updated with the Whisper Quiet WhatsApp | Secure and Reliable Free Private Messaging and Calling notification/news or if it’s because of all the antisemitic news going around and the fact the African National Congress (ANC) | History, Leader, Apartheid, & Facts | Britannica took Israel to the ICJ and how the ANC is the leading party of the new Updates with LolahM - SOUTH AFRICA - Introducing to you the government of national unity (GNU) made of the following political parties : 1. ANC 2. PA 3. DA 4. IFP 5., but on Tuesday morning I woke up from this nightmare of being in some Massacre on the Jewish People in South Africa.

Now I know that will never happen…well unlikely to never happen…but I woke up in quite a state and knew that what I was feeling was nothing compared to what the people who were at the TRIBE of NOVA Music Festival experienced or what the Hostages experience every day.

Spooky Whisper Demo

When I listen to the news or hear people talk or just see comments on Everything You Need to Know About Social Media Algorithms | Sprout Social posts, I just want to shout at the blatant WhisperNightDemo in people and the HT Velvet Whisper Regular and how (sorry for the lack of a better word) but Whisper Squad of people.

Kinda makes me understand how Hitler could take over and create such a genocide. Okay I cannot equate the 2 horrors but when you say that the Holocaust was a genocide how on earth can any call what Israel is and how they are defending themself a genocide? Whisper Squad people pick up a word and just like to use it even though it has no relation to the subject? Like how the Whisper can a body of people who lived through History Fabrica, call Israel an History Fabrica?

Witness History I am sure I am not the only one…but I just hope this war comes to an end soon and may Israel still stand strong afterwards.



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July 4, 2024

Me too. I wish the war will end!

July 5, 2024

Pls Hashem!