Tuesday 7/2/24

2:00p.m. I’m having one wild night. I was very very sick. I got very painful heartburn after supper. This went on for a couple of hours before I got some Mylanta. The Mylanta made things worse. I ended up puking my guts out. Nurse I had internal bleeding. There was blood in my stools and vomit. 

I consented to go to the hospital. I was taken to Weirton Medical Center. At the er they inserted an IV and gave me meds for my belly. I was there for three or four hours. Fortunately the bleeding stopped. I’m back in the nursing home. I never thought I’d be so glad to see this place.    

The whole experience that scared the shit out of me. I did not think I would make it. I told them I’m too young to die. I just turned 73. I really did thought I was a gonner. But fortunately I’m alive and kicking. I’m not ready to die just yet. I have too many books to read!    

Speaking of books Here is a list of books I bought on my birthday. 

  1. The Making of the President 1972 by Theodore H White
  2. No Ordinary Time by Doris Kearns Goodwin 
  3. The Mission Song by John le Carre’ 
  4. A Perfect Spy by John le Carre’ 
  5. Battles and Leaders of the Civil War Vol 2
  6. Battles and Leaders of the Civil War Vol 3

The person who sent me this generous gift wished to remain anonymous. I respect that I want to thank them fom the bottom my heart

I can’t go until I read at least a few of these books.

3:45p.m. I went to physical therapy this morning . Other than that I slept in my wheelchair almost all day. I still feel very weak and tired. The aides just put me in bed not too long ago. I’m afraid I’m not out of the woods yet. I must be sick because I couldn’t think of reading today.

6:32p.m. I didn’t eat supper. I didn’t eat much of  anything today. But I think I’m slowly recovering. The nurse checked my blood pressure. It was normal. She also gave me a pill for nausea. She said I just needed a lot of rest and that was what I did. I hope to read tonight.











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July 2, 2024

I’m glad u r better

July 2, 2024

Feel better, Bear! We’re all pulling for you!

July 3, 2024

Oh no!  I’m so sorry you are ill and had to go to the hospital.  You’ve been having issues with your stomach for some time now.  Maybe more testing is in order to find out what’s wrong.  Feel better Bear!