Monday 7/1/24

7:53a.m. I’m above the dirt. I had a good night  for a change. I was up for good by a breakfast of toast and scrambled eggs. My only problem was my briefs. They were running against a sore split on my thigh. It hurt like hell but the aides wouldn’t help. I managed to fix the problem myself.   

 This is the start of a new month. I’m going start it off with a positive attitude. This means no bitching about the nursing home. After all I have it pretty good here. I have three meals, phone, tv, and internet. Best part is I have insurance that pays for my care. Even better I have Chocolatechip. 

I also have good friends here on OD. You mean the world to me. I appreciate the comments. I will never forget the anonymous person who sent me an Amazon gift card for a birthday present. That really made my day. I spent most of it on books. Thank you thank you thank you.    

10:09a.m. It turned out I still have pt. I wil be working with Lynn. She came for me right after the aide got me dressed and in my wheelchair. We had a short thirty minute workout. The goal is to increase the strength in my hands and arms. I worked with the flex bar and hand grips. I did two sets of thirty on each arm and we were done. 

Lynn wheeled me down to the Fiesta Room for the  coffee social. I had a good time I didn’t hear any  “voices” talking about me. I had one cup of coffee then left for my room. Again I was not up for the exercise session.

I called Chocolatechip when I got back to my room. I have not talked with her yet . The first is an extra busy day for her. She goes to the bank and pays het bills today. I called earlier but no answer.  She was no doubt still out when I called the last time. No sense in jumping the panic button yet.

I have today’s menu. For lunch it is roasted turkey, roasted carrots, Au gratin potatoes, a dinner roll and a peanut butter pie. For dinner I’m having butter crumb fish fillet, seasoned peas, more potatoes s dinner roll and another peanut butter pie.

1:43p.m. I started a new story in You Like it Darker. “Laurie” starts out with a 65 year old widower. His 70 year old sister comes for a visit. She gives him a puppy. He doesn’t want the dog but ends up keeping her. The man names his new pet Laurie. So far nothing strange has happened in the story. It is about an old man with his dog. But I’m sure there is a twist to it and soon. 

I read until lunchtime. Lunch was delicious. I called Chocolatechip after I ate. We had a talk about different things for an hour. She talked about paying her rent and made the last SCI payment. She will either watch a movie or read her book this afternoon. I said you have a fixed schedule every day. That is a good way to be. She agreed.

We also talked about her books. She is reading Love Story by Eric Segal . She left off at the part where they visit Oliver’s family. The story has a sub plot about Oliver’s relationship with his father. They served didn’t get along.We talked about that in the book and the movie. I said I liked Ali McGraw in the movie. 

I talked about my Stephen King book You Like it Darker. I told her about the last two stories. We both agree that King must have a very vivid imagination. I said he is also one hell of a writer. King is over 70 now and he still belts out best selling novels. I said this book isn’t so scarry and you should try it. Chocolatechip is just not a fan. 

I was  having a good time talking w.ith Chocolatechip.  But I was pretty miserable. The hoyer pad is killing me today. Also I’m soaked but asshole is on duty. I won’t be able to get any kind of help at all. So I had to end our talk.    

4:26p.m. I am finially in bed. Asshole and the Mean Bitch put me in bed around 3:30. I guess I will have the MB again tonight. This is a bummer. I called Chocolatechip after they left. She watched Dr Phil. He had a show on about a 35 year old still living at home. I said that was too close for comfort . Had a nice talk then she wanted to go outside for a smoke.    

I also been reading “Laurie.”  This is a story about an old man and his dog. At first he didn’t want the dog. But they grow on each other. The story isn’t scarry at all so far. But I bet something weird will happen. After all. Stephen King wrote it.










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July 1, 2024

Bear, you have grown in a positive way.  Now you are doing PT/exercise and going to the Fiesta Room to be with others and have a hot cup of coffee.  I remember when you weren’t doing those things.  You are doing well!  Good Morning my friend.

July 1, 2024

@wildrose_2 Good afternoon WildRose. I hope you had a goodmday

July 1, 2024

@bear70 Thank you Bear for wishing me well.  And thank you for the update to your day which you’ve added to your post.  I know you do this sometimes and I always try to check for updates.