Saturday 6/29/24

11:34a.m. I had another night of weird dreams. Sleep was intermittent. I was up for good by 6:30. The aides woke !e up, got me dressed and in my wheelchair in time for breakfast. I had scrambled eggs, bacon and a coffee cake. I slept all morning in my wheelchair. Stomach is still bothering me from yesterday’s over Day in. I gave the rest of the treats to my roommate but kept the pop.   

I didn’t read my book last night. I was too sick I fell asleep early. I was just too sick and tired. I received halfway decent care. They changed my briefs two or three times. At least I wasn’t laying in filth all night.    

Scott from PT told me yesterday I should start going to the exercise group at 10:00. They had it today but I just wasn’t up to it.  But I will give it a shot tomorrow if I get out of bed in time.  Like I said I still don’t feel so hot. 

 I have today’s menu. For lunch they are serving a hamburger with grilled onions , potato wedges and a gelatin cake. For dinner I’m having roast pork, mashed potatoes, a dinner roll and a fruit cup.  It look good but I get sick at the thought of eating.  

1:15p.m. I ate my lunch after all. It wasn’t on the menu. I had chicken, pasta salad and garlic bread. It didn’t upset my stomach. They are having bingo this afternoon. I hate that game so I’m not going. I would rather stay in my room and read You Like it Darker . 

I finished ” Danny Coughlin’s Bad Dream” the other day. It was a hell of a story. I don’t want to reveal the ending. I will say King kept me guessing until the end. King is one hell of a story teller. Next up in this collection of short stories is ” Finn. ” I do not know what this one is about yet.

Tomorrow is my birthday. I’ll be 73 years old. I am not too excited about it. I’m not expecting any gifts or visitors. It is just another day. I will say I never expected to make it this far. The fact I’m still around surprises the hell out me. I must be hear for a reason.   

4:43p.m. I was thinking about turning 73 tomorrow. I got very depressed for awhile. I started thinking I might not have much time left. I don’t want to go.. I’m afraid I will end up in hell. I thought about my past mistakes and some of the shitty things I did. I began to get very afraid of going to hell. These thoughts lasted but s few minutes but I was still very depressed. 

I have a lot of regrets in life.  I think my biggest is not graduating from West Liberty . I’ll never forget my dad telling me I’ll never amount to a hill of beans..I wanted so badly to prove him wrong. I tried at West Lib but I just didn’t have the smarts. I ended up meeting a girl there who became my wife. Marrying Debbie was another big mistake.  

They say you get old too soon and smart too late. I honestly do not think I learned much of anything worthwhile. Instead of being young and dumb I’m old and stupid Jesus, why did I live so long? 

I did try to make something of my life. I graduated from a two year technical college late in life. I majored in accounting. Then I served as a VISTA volunteer for an adult literacy council. I thought I was finially on my way then I had a major psychotic breakdown. I was going to commit suicide by jumping off a bridge. I never fully recovered from that episode.     

6:28p.m. I was interrupted by supper. It was pretty good and I ate most of it. I called Chocolatechip after I ate. I was talking about that Stephen King story “Finn.” It is about a kid who has one terrible accident after another. I said it reminded me of you and your many near misses. 

We talked about other things for forty minutes. She mentioned about living in Toronto, Oh. I said I had an aunt from there. We used to visit them. I said they had a daughter who ended up with a high position with the government. She talked about her first husband Ed. He was a real low life who made me look like a saint. It was a nice talk and I felt better. 

I intend to read tonight. I missed reading last night. I wasn’t feeling very well. I want to find out what happene next in my book. 









































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June 29, 2024

Advance Happy Birthday, God bless you more and I’d appreciate you sharing your day here because I could feel the happiness when you’re reading a book ^^

June 29, 2024

I believe we are all here for a reason, the main one being to learn life lessons.  You’ve had one tough lesson to learn when it comes to living in the nursing home.  I know it hasn’t been easy but just think of all those you could help who also live in nursing homes.  Or have family members that do.  So much wisdom you have to share!  Glad you were able to eat lunch and an exercise class would be wonderful for you!  You will feel so much better and will be proud of your accomplishments too.  Plus it will give you an activity to look forward to.  Happy Early Birthday Bear!  You have so much to look forward to!

June 29, 2024

@wildrose_2  Thank you WildRose I’ll try tomorrow

June 29, 2024

@bear70 Way to go Bear!

June 29, 2024

I wanted badly to be a VISTA volunteer, but it never came to be. We all have regrets in our lives, Bear, but you did some good along the way, you keep people interested and amused with your diary, and you seem like a decent human being, which is a lot more than I can say for a lot of people who have put in 73 years on this planet.