Wednesday 6/26/24

8:06a.m. I’m above the dirt and faced with another day in the nursing home. I had a fairly good night. But they left the air on and I froze my butt off. Also the care wasn’t all that great.. I was laying in poop and pee for a long time. At least I slept with no weird dreams. That was what made it good.

Also, I was looking at books. I found a book by Pat Conroy, South of Broad for only $1.99. I had just enough to buy it. Conroy was one of my favorite authors. Anytime I can find a good book at a bargain price makes me happy.   

Speaking of books I did a lot of reading before going to bed. I’m hooked on that Stephen King book You Like it Darker. I especially like “Danny Coughlin’s Bad Dream.” I stayed up until 9:30 reading it. 

I was up for good by 6:00. Breakfast consisted of bacon and eggs. The eggs were cold so I didn’t eat them. Breakfast gave me a bad bout of diarrhea. It was very ,very painful and lasted like forever. Then the aides cleaned me up and got me in my wheelchair 

Lynn from physical therapy came for me. We had a great workout. My session seemed to last longer and longer. Today I think it took an hour to do all the exercises. I told them how  much i love working out with them. It gets me out of my room . I start to feel 100 % better thanks to the exercises. Besides that I get to talk to some very nice ladies. 

Back in my room I had a session with my psych doctor. I thought it went ok. We talked about the nightmare. I said they do not bother me as much. We talked about how I need to forgive myself and let go of my past. After all I was just a kid back then she said. I said of the nightmares I just learned to accept them. They are only dreams. 

We talked a few minutes about other subjects. She asked about the books I’ve been reading. I said I just finished a book by Doris Kearns Goodwin about Abraham Lincoln, Team of Rivals. It was an excellent book that won a Pulitzer prize. I told her about starting You Like it Darker by Stephen King. I said I read some pretty good stories so far. 

So I had a very busy morning here at the nursing home. It started out rough but got better thanks to PT and my session with Dr.Cosy. I’m going to concentrate on my book now. Life is good.     

12 59p.m. I had a lousy lunch. They served macaroni and cheese, stewed tomatoes, a dinner roll and chocolate ice cream. I didn’t like the stewed tomatoes but I ate them. I ate everything.

I was reading my book You Like it Darker before they served lunch. I’m still on the story “Danny Coughlin’s Bad Dream.”  Things are not going well for Daniel M Coughlin. The KBI detectives, Franklin Jalbert and Ella Davis, are convinced Coughlin raped and murdered Yvonne Wicker after he was questioned. They have no evidence. Coughlin’s trailer was clean as well as his truck. They do not believe his story that he learned of the dead girl’s body by a dream board . 

Jalbert thinks he wanted to get cought. Coughlin phoned in the anonymous tip to get some sick publicity. He leeks the story to a local tabloid. Coughlin’s girlfriend breaks up with him. The school board fires him. He is starting to get shunned by the locals. I think this story is going to have a bad ending.    

4:52p.m. I’m having a good afternoon. I talked a lot with Chocolatechip and read You Like it Darker .I didn’t get very good care though. The aides just put me in bed and changed my briefs. This was the first time I’ve been changed since they got me up. 

I think some lady across the hall died. There was a lot of activity going on. Also a lot of hugging. Then they closed my door for awhile. When they opened it I noticed a stripped bed and the  name off the door.  I didn’t see the EMS come in Then again maybe did when the door was shut. 

I’m still reading “Danny Coughlin’s Bad Dream.” It is a very long story,. It could be classified as a novel. Anyways. the more I read the story the more I think this one detective, Franklin Jalbert , is not on the up and up. For one thing he ignores any evidence that might clear Daniel Coughlin. Second, he they have no evidence against the guy. This story is starting to have many twists and turns. Stephen King sure does know how to spin a tale.  

The nursing home is still under a boil order. I didn’t get coffee for dinner bummer. Dinner was  chicken, sweet potatoes, carrots, a dinner roll and pears. It was ok but I had bettering.    

7:08p.m. After eating supper I said good night to Chocolatechip. Then I began reading “Danny Coughlin’s Bad Dream.” . The story is getting juicer and juicer. Jalbert is definitely not on the up and up in this case. He is determined to get Coughlin. He plants coke in Danny’s truck. Then the plot thickens.    

I was also looking at books. I hope the nursing home goes on a Walmart shopping trip next month. I have a public few books lined up . I want to get a book by Doris Kearns Goodwin No Ordinary Time. Also The Making of the President 1972 by Theodore H White. The first is for $17.99 and the second $9. 99. I might get one more but haven’t decided yet. 

10:28p.m. I just got a nice shower and shave. It was about time because I was laying in urine all night long. She kept saying give me a minute. The minute turned into three hours. I was starting to have a major meltdown when the aides finially came for me. 

I have been doing a lot of reading tonight. I reached a major turning point in my story. I think this Jalbert guy is going crazy. His partner, Ella Davis discovered that he tried to frame Coughlin with drugs. He also leaked the story to a sleezy tabloid, Inside View. She is also beginning to believe Coughlin’s story. I also think something might happen to her. I should call it a night but I’m anxious to find what happens next.
























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June 27, 2024

Lot’s going on in your life, Bear. I’m glad you’re enjoy PT – I know it helped me through my sciatica and knee issues.